


Author:     Zhaxylykova R. PhD. The member of EURAAC and EAACI.
Source:     www.medlinks.ru/article.php?sid=40823
According to the reports of specialists in household and industrial conditions around the person in all countries fauna of acarus every year enriched by new kinds of mites. In medicine the house dust mites are considered as a ...

Prevention of an Allergy and Allergodermatoses

Author:     Zhaxylykova R. (2009). PhD. Clinician with the 47-years’ experience, member of EURAAC and EAACI.

It is possible to speak with confidence about effective prevention of any disease only in case when the etiology is precisely known. The etiology becomes known when a number of consecutive changes is traced after introduction of known microorganism into a macroorganism, when illness is reproduced in experiment and clinic, when full recover of the disease is traced as a result of etiologic treatment on enough number of supervisions. Someone can have a question: how can we talk about effective prevention if an Allergy and Allergodermatoses ...

Practical ways of allergy eradication

Authors: Zhaxylykova R., Ahimova A. (2009)

Close examination of the skin condition in dynamics was one of the auxiliary methods of studying the influence of diet therapy, which contained whole mare and camel milk, on results of clinic-laboratory and instrumental researches of patients suffering from chronic hepatitis in its exacerbation stage. Thorough observation of patients’ integument, followed by observation ...

The book: “Allergy as a reason of growth of diseases to the beginning of the third millenium (Allergy=Acariasis)”

Author:     Zhaxylykova R. D. (1999)
The Allergy is Acariasis. So the title of this book is “Acariasis is the reason of growth of diseases to the beginning of the third millennium”. That means that Allergy is the infectious disease. It is reproduced in experiment and clinic, and it is radically curable.


Author: R. Zhaxylykova (2010. Astana, Kazakhstan)

According to the reports of specialists in household and industrial conditions the acarological fauna is enriched by new kinds of mites in all countries every year. In medicine the house dust mites are considered as symbionts of the human environment. So, the Demodex sp are considered as symbionts of person's skin, capable to cause Discoid Lupus Erythematosus, Acne Rozacea and Demodectic Blepharoconjunctivitis in cases of decrease protective properties of an organism. ...

Diagnostics of Acariases and their complications

Authors: Zhaxylykova R. D, Kusov V. N. (1992)

The purpose is increase of accuracy of diagnostics. The method can be used for diagnostics of Acariases, caused by Demodexes, Dermatophagoideses, Sarcopteses and other mites, and also those kinds of widespread illnesses at people which represent the complicated forms of these parasitoses. Besides, the Acariases now lay on 100 % of patients with infectious and noninfectious (including surgical and other) diseases, making heavier their current and aggravating their end.

Source: KazNIINKI, 1992. The Information form.


Authors: Zhaxylykova R. D, Malikov A.M.

Source: The Science News from Kazakhstan, 1994, № 1, pp. 59-60.

The Allergy is the widespread disease which has sharply increased during the last two decades. The medicine science explains it by increase in quantity of allergens (vegetative, animal, physical, chemical, etc.) round the person. However the comparison of scientific published data has a set of paradoxes. For example, the mankind has contact with household dust, plants and animals all period of the own existence. In an antiquity the nectar of grass "Ambrozia" was considered as food of gods, but today the pollen of this grass is one of the vegetative substances most often causing an allergy.

Any variants of allergy can be completely cured!

Author: Zhaxylykova R.

The real scientist will agree with following words by Claude Bernar:

"When you see a fact contradicting the dominating theory you must recognize the fact and to reject the theory even if that is supported by leading scientists and by all is accepted".

The real prevention of allergy

Author: Zhaxylykova R.
How to avoid occurrence of symptoms of an allergy?
The best way to prevent occurrence of allergic reaction - to avoid contact to allergen or, at least, to reduce these contacts to a minimum. Sometimes it is difficult and is very burdensome, therefore far not always probably to supervise allergy symptoms.  

The prevention of some “noninfection” illnesses

Author: Zhaxylykova R. (2013)

Still doctor Zaharin wrote, that observance of elementary hygiene can prevent development of many serious illnesses.
About prevention of Allergies and Allergodermatoses we wrote in many articles. The most detailed information is given in article «Prevention of an Allergy and Allergodermatoses», published on the given website ...

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