
The reason of allergy

     Allergy caused by Allergens. In official medicine Allergy is unusual reaction to usual things and factors, which is named Allergens.  

     There are many quantities of allergens. The number of its don’t to be beyond all calculation. 

     There are many theories about reason of Allergy. But all off it don't work because they not guarantee the liquidation of Allergy or cure it completely. To the contrary the morbidity of Allergy increased as infection.

     A question emerge involuntarily: what is the real reason of Allergy?

     I think that everyone will be agreeing with me: the real reason of any illness is that which will allow to completely curing it. 70-95% from 42980 patients was cured completely by antymites means. The most part of these patients before directing to us have allergic diagnosis. Therefore we consider that in that cases were Acariasis, which caused house dust mites. Before these observations we carefully learnt the clinic of Acariasis in natural condition of their beginnings to the extent of their complications. 

     The information about mites please read on special parts of biology, zoology, parasitology or acarology.

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