
Elimination of the pandemic of the unrecognized Demodecosis is the main key to getting rid of allergies in humans of the twenty-first century

This is the report sounded on symposium of EURAAC in Valencia 15-th of July 2016

Zhaxylykova Rakhima

PhD, allergist-dermatologist-acarologist, clinician with 50 year experiences, independent researcher.

Astana. Kazakhstan

Dear colleagues!

You are well aware that, in medicine, Demodex mite continues to be considered a microorganism saprophytic on human skin, and the existence of human Demodecosis as a holistic disease is still debated.

As it happens, for 43 years I have been observing the spread and development of complications of Demodecosis among the population in vivo.

Initial stage of my observations was due to my doubt about verity of assertions of the dermatologists about the complete safety of the patient, who was excreting an enormous amount of Demodexes from his skin. Those doubts made me carefully monitor the condition of the skin of all people around her. Eventually I learned to recognize minimal manifestations of Demodecosis on the skin of affected by Demodexes. The changes revealed never completely disappeared but only progressed over time. Six years later, there were 342 persons with primary skin lesions caused by Demodexes on initially healthy skin. During 1973-1981, the number of people with signs of skin lesions caused by Demodexes among the surrounding people grew like an avalanche.

At the second stage of the research I conducted a trial ex juvantibus anti-mite treatment in 137 patients with itchy skin. A similar group of 131 patients did not receive this treatment. As a result, pruritus ceased more quickly and for a longer period in patients receiving anti-mite treatment. Control anti-mite treatment in yet another 49 patients gave a similar result. These data were reported in more detail at the All-Soviet Union conference of acarologists in Frunze in 1986 and at EURAAC Symposium in Montpellier in 2008.

In 1981, I conducted a massive examination of the residents and tourists in Almaty. Every month the number of people with healthy skin of open parts of the body intensively decreased. So, in January 1981, 27% of 1807 examined had skin without mite-borne infestation, and in August of the same year only 0.2% of 23175 examined had healthy skin. Thereafter, people with skin unaffected by Demodexes were no longer encountered not only in Almaty, but also in a number of cities in Europe and Asia. Reflexively I extended observing of the skin of exposed parts of the body at all people I encounter, and so far I purposefully examined over 2 million people from all over the world.

With apparent high level of medical science and technology, existence of an unrecognized infectious disease among the population seemed implausible. Therefore, the third phase of the study was self-experimentation – self-infestation with Demodecosis conducted on 10th of August, 1980. Successful clinical experiment dispelled all doubts.

My absolute belief in objectivity of the research led me to regularly report on my findings to health officials whose aim was to protect people's health. In 1981, to prove my scientific positions, I conducted a mass examination of the skin of people in different groups and identified Demodecosis in 96% of 388780 examined. Furthermore, in the presence of seven members of the commission of the Ministry of Health from all of indicated by me 42 sites on the skin (back, feet, hindhead, neck, hips, shoulders, thighs, hands) of 37 dermatologic and allergic, in- and out-patients of the Republican Institute of Dermatovenerology, colonies of Demodexes were isolated. Nevertheless, this fact did not change the view of the saprophytic role of Demodexes of the senior staff of the Republican human dermatological service. Therefore the theme of Demodecosis was closed for further discussion in my country.

On the 8th month of inoculated Demodecosis, an allergic complication developed, manifested by deep red color of the entire skin cover, its edema, the emergence of bubbles, scattered bright pink papules, ulcers, and oozing lesions in the skinfolds. However, Demodecosis (despite the anamnesis) was not correctly recognized by the dermatologists, but was diagnosed as erythroderma (by Chief Dermatologist of the Republic) and generalized neurodermatitis (by an ordinary dermatologist). This fact revealed the lack of the dermatologists’ knowledge of clinical manifestations of Demodecosis and the direct relation of Demodecosis to allergies. That consultative examination of the inoculated Demodecosis by the leading dermatologist of the Republic (in April 1981) was the starting point for us for further scrutiny of the interrelation between Demodecosis and allergy. Therefore, in the fourth phase, which lasts till now, I provide treatment to patients seeking medical help who suffer allergic diseases of the skin.

A total of 43198 patients sought treatment. Before applying to us, 57.7% of patients had allergologic, 37.4% – dermatologic, 1.4% – ophthalmologic, 1.2% – rheumatologic, 0.5% – oncologic, 0.4% – gynecologic, 0.4% - endocrinological, 0.3% – surgical, 0.2% – urological, and 0.1% – psychiatric diagnoses. And only 0.4% of patients applied without any diagnosis. The positive results of anti-demodectic treatment in 92% of them evidenced the presence of various clinical masks of Demodecosis. These findings were sounded in detail at the symposium of acarologists in Vienna and the Euromedica Congress in Hannover.

Anti-demodectic treatment allowed to reach full recovery in 70% of 3460 patients with allergodermathosis and in 95% of 1666 patients with allergy. These data allow to suggest that in the indicated percentage of cases it was Demodecosis, and diagnoses that had been established to patients before they applied to us were clinical masks of Demodecosis. This information was set forth at the Congress of allergists in Warsaw in 2009.

Unfortunately, from year to year, the number of patients with more severe clinical masks of Demodecosis increases. So, in 1982, initial stage of Demodecosis was detected in 89%; in 1983 - in 78%; in 2006 - in 12% of applied patients. Aggravation of the course of Demodecosis affected results and timescales of treatment. So, in 1991 a maximum of one month was sufficient for complete recovery of patients, in 2006 a minimum of six months was required.

A total of 17823 patients were acarologically examined. Acarological examination detected Demodexes in 98.9%; in 1.1% mites were not detected. In 0.5% Demodexes + Dermatophagoidesses; in 0.6% – Demodexes + S. scabiei; in 2.4% – Demodexes + Dermatophagoidesses + S. scabiei were detected. In the skin papules of 242 patients with pruritic conditions, in acneiform items of 247, atheromas of 18, and in chalazia of 12 patients – in 100% colonies of Demodexes were found. In 18 persons with healthy skin, none of the available diagnostic methods could isolate mites from the skin. In the biotope of 412 patients solely Dermatophagoidesses were detected, but only Demodexes were isolated from their skin.

When necessary, clinical-biochemical, immunological and instrumental studies were conducted in patients.

The question: why do I let myself talk about pandemic Demodecosis, while investigations were carried out at the local level, I answer. According to WHO and scientific and medical literature, allergies are prevalent everywhere on the planet. According to my findings, allergy is the earliest and the most frequent clinical mask of Demodecosis. Hence the conclusion about the pandemic spreading of Demodecosis could say. Furthermore, I believe that the fact of avalanche-like prevalence of Demodecosis among the population in 1970s, on which I reported in written to the Ministry of Health of Kazakhstan, has been confirmed by the observed by allergists of the world doubling of incidence of allergies in every decade for the last three decades of the past century. Reported by allergists at the dawn of allergology fact of predominant affection of the skin and visible mucous membranes also counts in favor of Demodecosis, since infestation with Demodexes take place through the skin and mucous membranes communicating with external environment. I suppose, that in the official recognition of curability of certain types of allergies, creation of numerous anti-mite household, industrial, and pharmaceutical agents, dietary supplements etc. there is also partial merit of my numerous publications and appeals to different institutions.

Mankind for a good reason is concerned about the worsening tide of allergies and increasing diversity of its manifestations. Exactly because of the lack of diagnostics of Demodecosis all diagnosable so-called noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) of humans (including allergies) are not susceptible to complete recovery. As WHO has stated, currently NCDs are the major cause of mortality all over the world, causing more deaths than all other causes combined, and their prevalence has reached epidemic proportions. According to my observations, progressive Demodecosis already affects internal organs and tissues, which has clear consistent clinical pattern and finds confirmation in statements of world allergists about increased incidence of allergic lesions of internal organs and anaphylactic shock. Unrecognized, true infectious nature of cured allergies does not allow professionals to not only eliminate, but even to lower growth of incidence of allergy.

The reliability of the findings of my research is indisputable, that is why I am so persevering in my appeals. I can prove the verity of my scientific positions by demonstrating the complete cure of various clinical masks of Demodecosis (listed below), complete cure of which I repeatedly carried out over 34 years.

/The list of diagnoses: Pollinoses, Allergic (including perennial) Rhinitis, Atopic Dermatitis, Allergic Dermatitis, Food or Drug Allergy, Allergy on decoration, Insect Allergy, Contact Dermatitis, Dermatitis around mouth, Diathesis, Rosacea, Acne, Rhinophyma, Neurodermatitis, Psoriasis, Parapsoriasis, Eczema, Pruritus of skin, Furunculosis, Discoid Lupus Erythematosus, Demodecosis, Delusional Parasitosis, Kelloid, Alopecia, Erythroderma, Photodermatosis, syndrome Reino, chronic relapse Urticaria, Xanthomatosis, Precancer of Skin, Skin Cancer, Dryness of skin, Vulval Leukoplakia, Vulval Kraurosis, Syndrome of Languid Skin, initial stage of Vitiligo, trophic ulcer of a leg skin, Prurigo, Demodectic and Allergic Blepharoconjunctivitis, initial stage of System Lupus Erythematosus. There are many other diagnoses may be the other clinical masks of non-registered Demodecosis./

The main conclusion of my research is following. The most part of wild spread all over the world allergy is the primary chronic infection disease caused by mites. Main role in that have Demodexes. For that reason the anti-mite treatment with the antihistamine drugs are the ethiopathogenetic treatment of allergy, and they lead to completely cure of allergic illness. Allergens, finding by allergists, are triggers. Triggers cause the death of mites, dwelling in organism of sick person. Then allergens from body of dearth’s mites get to blood, connecting with antibody, every time presenting in blood of mite sick person. The results of reaction allergen plus antibody are the different clinical manifestations of allergic illness. Completely cure of the mite born disease lead to completely cure of the mite born allergy. This method checked up by me during 34 years and allowed to receive excellent results.

For this reason I consider that allergists and acarologists must unit their forces and help people to get rid of allergies.

Based on the set out facts, I believe that elimination of the pandemic of undiagnosed Demodecosis is the main key to freeing humans of the early 21st century from allergies.

Thank you for your attention.

The # 12 slide:

The reliability of the findings of my research is indisputable, that is why I am so persevering in my appeals. I can prove the verity of my scientific positions by demonstrating the complete cure of various clinical masks of Demodecosis (listed below), complete cure of which I repeatedly carried out over 34 years:

Pollinoses, Allergic (including perennial) Rhinitis, Atopic Dermatitis, Allergic Dermatitis, Food or Drug Allergy, Allergy on decoration, Insect Allergy, Contact Dermatitis, Dermatitis around mouth, Diathesis, Rosacea, Acne, Rhinophyma, Neurodermatitis, Psoriasis, Parapsoriasis, Eczema, Pruritus of skin, Furunculosis, Discoid Lupus Erythematosus, Demodecosis, Delirium of Parasitosis, Kelloid, Alopecia, Erythroderma, Photodermatosis, syndrome Reino, chronic relapse Urticaria, Xanthomatosis, Precancer of Skin, Skin Cancer, Dryness of skin, Vulval Leukoplakia, Vulval Kraurosis, Syndrome of Languid Skin, initial stage of Vitiligo, trophic ulcer of a leg skin, Prurigo, Demodectic and Allergic Blepharoconjunctivitis, initial stage of System Lupus Erythematosus.

There are many other diagnoses may be the other clinical masks of non-registered Demodecosis.

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