

Authors: Zhaxylykova R. D, Malikov A.M.

Source: The Science News from Kazakhstan, 1994, № 1, pp. 59-60.

The Allergy is the widespread disease which has sharply increased during the last two decades. The medicine science explains it by increase in quantity of allergens (vegetative, animal, physical, chemical, etc.) round the person. However the comparison of scientific published data has a set of paradoxes. For example, the mankind has contact with household dust, plants and animals all period of the own existence. In an antiquity the nectar of grass "Ambrozia" was considered as food of gods, but today the pollen of this grass is one of the vegetative substances most often causing an allergy.

The 20-year-old supervisions by authors showed, that among people is present the associative mite born disease (Acariasis), not registered by clinical medicine. Between the moment of beginning of infection and occurrence of the first symptoms of illness passes from several minutes till several years. It depends on many objective circumstances. The most frequent symptoms of illness are appearing on the skin. The allergists and dermatologists are ranked it as allergic or skin illnesses. The clinical medicine does not struggle with this infectious disease. Therefore this disease progresses and accepts the complicated forms in which number can be AIDS and other complexes. This objective point of view explains as the presence facts of several viruses of AIDS, as allows thinking that similar diseases can appear in any human population without entering of virus from the outside.

The introduction of specific medical products in places of stay by mites does visible its colonies. The subsequent microscopic research of contents of these colonies allows finding out the various stages of mites.

The given method of diagnostic allows finding out the acariases at 100 % amazed people. Moreover it also helps to define the degree of sensitization of an organism.

The given method of diagnostics of mite variants of allergic, skin and other illnesses is protected by the copyright certificate of the former USSR.

The authors well know the clinical methods of diagnostics, effective ways of treatment and prevention of acariasis. The authors offer to create the new type of clinic where patients will get rid completely from allergic, dermatologic and many other illnesses, which are the complications of widely extending Acariases.

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