

Author: Zhaxylykova R. PhD. The member of EURAAC and EAACI.

Source: www.medlinks.ru/article.php?sid=40823

According to the reports of specialists in household and industrial conditions around the person in all countries fauna of acarus every year enriched by new kinds of mites. In medicine the house dust mites are considered as a symbionts of human environment. So, the Demodexes are considered as a symbionts of person's skin, capable to cause Discoid Lupus Erythematosus, Acne Rozacea and Demodectic Blepharoconjunctivitis in cases of decrease protective properties of an organism. The Dermatophagoideses are ranked to lodgers of bedding, only by remains of the bodies and excreta capable to provoke the development of atopic variants of respiratory allergoses of the people. About other representatives of house dust mites there are rare messages as casual activators Dermatitis, Gastroenterocolitis, Pulmonary Acarosis, etc. in the scientific literature. We (R.D.Zhaxylykova and V.N.Kusov) also described the cases of dermatoses, caused by D. gallinae, which have been found in a house dust of the treated patients. According to the scientific literature still first researchers Demodexes found out in a skin of all people (both with sick and with a healthy skin). Dermatophagoideses found out too often. Mites of both genuses found out and find out in a skin of sick of Scabies. Our acquaintance with clinic of Demodectic Acariasis began in the beginning of 1970s with supervision out of the natural infect with this infection of patients, visitors and employees of gastroenterological branch. The infection source was a patient of this branch with laboratory confirmed diagnosis. Later the clinical signs of Demodecosis were found in 98% from 2 million people whose open parts of body were examined and in 96,4% from 388 780 people whose all integument were examined (the research was made in 1981-1982). The research by method of scraping of eruptions from 7817 amazed people found out the Demodexes in 99,8%, Dermatophagoideses and Demodexes in 1,6%, Sarcopteses and Demodexes in 0,4%, the mites of all three genus in 0,4%. The research of skin in vivo (without and with provocation) from 428 amazed people in 66% was found out Demodexes, in 11 % - Dermatophagoideses, in 23% - Demodexes and Dermatophagoideses. The clinical condition of integument of people amazed by Demodexes and Dermatophagoideses had some differences.

During 1980-1981 the density of mites in the skin of amazed people increased every month. Since September 1981 there weren’t any people with healthy skin among them. Later the number of people with an initial stage of Acariases of open parts of body began to decrease every year. Now even among the babies and children the initial stage of Acariases meets less and less (representatives of all continents were examined). Vice versa, more complicated stages of Acariases began to meet more often. It became more difficult to treat patients with Acariasis. Learning on knowledge of clinic of Acariases, we cured 8600 patients using antiparasitic treatment. Before they were unsuccessfully treated with diagnoses: Food and Medicinal Allergy, Atopic Dermatitis, Contact Dermatitis, Allergy on decoration, Chronic Relapse Urticaria, Allergic all-the-year-round Rhinitis, Allergic Blepharoconjunctivitis, Pollinoses, Asthmatic Bronchitis, Eczema, Neurodermatitis, Discoid Lupus Erythematosus, initial stage of System Lupus Erythematosus, Delirium of Parasitosis, fireplace Syndrome of Languid Skin, Psoriasis, Parapsoriasis, Rhinophyma, Rosacea, Alopecia, Keloid, Erythroderma, Demodecosis, Prurigo, Furunculosis, Photodermatosis, Acne, Vulval Leukoplakia, Vulval Kraurosis, initial stage of Vitiligo, Xanthomatosis, Precancer of Skin, Pruritus, Skin Cancer, etc. The excellent results of the spent therapy testified that their disease itself represented clinical mask of Acariases. The sensibilization of organism of different degree of expressiveness took place in all listed cases. Therefore the positive result of treatment has been reached only by addition antiallergic (actually - pathogenetic) means. And, antiallergic means were applied not only external, but also per os and (or) parenteral. Necessity of application of such tactics of treatment was dictated by clinical picture of disease. Along with clinic, the positive result of treatment testified about defeat of mites of internal organs and fabrics of the sick person. Components of bodies and excreta of mites are alien to human body, i.e. are allergens. It is an axiom. As all alive, mites put off ovums, forward excretions and perish in places of dwell. The derivatives of bodies and excretions of mites are soaking up in blood of the host, although macroorganism forms protective barrier (a capsule round a colony of mites). Against of these mites allergens the macroorganism forms the antibodies, which quantity gradually increases in process of progressing of Acariasis, because the quantity of soaked up mites allergens increases. Various external (sunshine, physical influence, etc.) and internal (a foodstuff, medical products, various chemical substances, mediators of stress, toxins, etc.) factors accelerate the death of mites in places of their dwelling in macroorganism. At the same time the quantity of allergenic components of mites in blood and its neutralization by already available antibodies sharply increase.

So in the macroorganism, amazed by mites, immunoallergic reaction develops with all following consequences, described by immunologists. In fact the Mite Allergy develops, which is a complication of Acariasis (at the given stage - mainly Demodecosis and Dermatophagoidosis). But the clinical medicine does not discover Mite Allergy (Acariasis) and diagnose only its consequences - the immunoallergic reactions to various provoking factors, naming them as allergens which actually are triggers. Demodexes have the powerful mouth which can bite through, pierce, cut through, suck out and gnawing. Moreover they have four steams of feet. These adaptations allow them to move actually in any space and eat any food. The experts write about this. In places of the stay the mites destroy the fabrics of macroorganism. At that the leftovers of albumens, fats and other components of bodies of host qualitatively are changing. These modified components of bodies of host in process of progressing of Acariasis are soaked up in blood in escalating quantity. The modified components of own fabrics are perceived by immune system of host as alien. They are becoming autoantigens. On these components in macroorganism antibodies are produced, which are autoantibodies. Autoantibodies, incorporating with autoantigens and caused immunoallergic reaction with all consequences, described by immunologists and clinicians. So autoimmune diseases develop (diffused illnesses of a tela conjunctiva, etc.). Diagnoses with that patients have addressed to us and are not completely listed above, belong to allergic, dermatologic, rheumatic, oncologic, gynecologic, ophthalmologic and others, so-called noninfection diseases (NID). The NID are widespread everywhere. The house dust mites are found out everywhere. The skin of open parts of a body of people everywhere is amazed by Demodexes and Dermatophagoideses. These facts allow to speak about presence of pandemic of Mite Allergy now (actually - Demodectic and Dermatophagoidic Acariases). The reason of activation of Demodexes and Dermatophagoideses could be the liquidation of natural competitors of biocenosis of biotope of a person (Sarcopteses, Louses, etc.). Besides, excessively long symbiosis of Demodexes (since 1841) and Dermatophagoideses (since 1864) at full absence of struggle with them, at first it could provide to mites transition to ectoparasitizm and then to endoparasitizm mutual relation with a person. In the century of perfectly developed medical technics Acarologists, able masterly find mites in any environment, and they will be easy to prove the presence of fact of ectoparasitizm and endoparasitizm by Demodexes and Dermatophagoideses, despite of any adaptive transformations of appearance by these parasites. The 100% of presence of Mites Allergy are visible not only at direct survey of integument of the contemporary, but also from the screens of TVs. Please, read the articles on http://www.medlinks.ru/article.php?sid=35694 and http://www.allergy.kz/en/publish/detail.php?ID=68. In future the degree of clinical demonstrations of Mite Allergy (Acariasis) will define the laws of epidemiology, if purposeful struggle will not develop in a global scale. 

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