
Prevention of an Allergy and Allergodermatoses

Author: Zhaxylykova R. (2009). PhD. Clinician with the 47-years’ experience, member of EURAAC and EAACI.

It is possible to speak with confidence about effective prevention of any disease only in case when the etiology is precisely known. The etiology becomes known when a number of consecutive changes is traced after introduction of known microorganism into a macroorganism, when illness is reproduced in experiment and clinic, when full recover of the disease is traced as a result of etiologic treatment on enough number of supervisions. Someone can have a question: how can we talk about effective prevention if an Allergy and Allergodermatoses considered practically incurable in medicine today? But, at first, there aren’t incurable illnesses. Simply at this or another stage the medical science does not any knowledge about the true reason of occurrence and development of this or another illness. There is conspicuous failure in treatment of that illness. Remember the history with Syphilis, Tuberculosis, Scabies and other infections. There was time when the true reason of these illnesses was not known and so consequently their treatment was inefficient. Secondly, the conclusions following on unique 38-year-old clinical repeatedly rechecked researches are allow to assert that 90% of cases of Allergies and Allergodermatoses meeting now are not self-dependent diseases, and represent themselves the clinical masks of Demodectic and Dermatophagoidic Acariases.

The uniqueness of researches is in observations of natural conditions of circulation of Demodecosis from 15 722 people, the features of clinical displays and complications of Acariases studied from 388 780 amazed, the purposeful clinical survey of open parts of the body how detection of signs of Demodecosis carried out from 2 million people, the laboratory control carried out from 17823 amazed, Demodecosis successfully reproduced in clinic and experiment, discovered the methods of diagnostics and full treatment of many clinical masks of Acariases, including an Allergy and Allergodermatoses. 8600 patients from 42 157 addressed to medical help got completely cured of antiacariatic methods. Before they were unsuccessfully treated with diagnoses: Food and Medicinal Allergy, Atopic Dermatitis, Contact Dermatitis, Allergy on Decoration, Chronic Relapse Urticaria, Allergic all-the-year-round Rhinitis, Allergic Blepharoconjunctivitis, Pollinoses, Asthmatic Bronchitis, Eczema, Neurodermatitis, Discoid Lupus Erythematosus, initial stage of System Lupus Erythematosus, Delirium of Parasitosis, local syndrome of Languid Skin, Psoriasis, Parapsoriasis, Rhinophyma, Rosacea, Alopecia, Keloid, Erythroderma, Demodecosis, Prurigo, Furunculosis, Photodermatosis, Acne, Vulval Leukoplakia, Vulval Kraurosis, initial stage of Vitiligo, Xanthomatosis, Precancer of Skin, Pruritus, Skin Cancer, etc. Excellent results of fulfilled therapy testified that their diseases represented the clinical masks of Demodectic and Dermatophagoidic Acariases. The diagnoses listed above belong to allergic, dermatologic, rheumatic, oncologic, gynecologic, ophthalmologic and others, so-called noninfection diseases. Agree: there is no any method which demonstrates about true reason except a method of the full purposeful causally-caused treatment. And so with confidence I can recommend to people and colleagues real ways of prevention of the Allergies and Allergodermatoses. I didn't have a secret from my own supervisions. Since 1981 I widely informed about the results of my own researches corresponding experts and heads of public health services, I offered them the available making on clinical and laboratory diagnostics of Demodecosis, and called them to join with us in further research of the problem and to introduce the finished effective methods of treatment in practice of improvement the health of people. Then if they were in earnest to my statements, at the present time an allergy disease would not grow in a geometrical progression among the population as it takes place now (during last thirty years the Allergy in each ten years doubled). But my almost 30-year-old attack on the health authorities concerning the presence of pandemic of Demodecosis on the planet did not pass without a trace. In many parts of the world (meanwhile is more on territory of the CIS) already widely practice with the problems of diagnostics, treatment and prevention of Demodectic Acariasis. I am convinced, that after my participation on the Congresses of acarologists and allergists of Europe in 2008 and 2009, the problems of Mite Allergy will be engaged on a global scale, it will be able to judge about it under publications and appearances of experts from different places of the planet. My scientific theory is fill in the flaws in clinical immunology. It changes an existing point of view on origin of Allergy, Allergodermatoses and some others, so-called noninfection diseases (NID) of people. These diseases consider as noncontagious in official medicine. My unique researches testify that the most part of registered Allergies, Allergodermatoses and others NID are actually clinical masks of the complicated stages of Demodectic and Dermatophagoidic Acariases, and so in a root are infectious. Development of acariasis occurs at once in a contact with the activator and clinically all amazed by mites have typical subjective and objective symptoms of Mite Disease. But disease is registered by modern medicine only at stage of complications under the most different diagnoses from number NID. Therefore, the most part of Allergies, Allergodermatoses and others NID is an initially-chronic infection. In official medicine there are a lot of indirect acknowledgements about absolute correctness of my theory. It is the conclusion of experts of the different countries about epidemic character of distribution of an Allergy, Allergodermatoses and others NID, and so-called hereditary character of transfer of these illnesses which in reality is direct transfer of illnesses within a family or close contacts, and there is no effect from spent treatment, and avalanche growth of NID among people, and there is "rejuvenation" of illnesses in pediatric practice, etc. After so long time of nonacceptance the literally clearly visible innovation necessarily to ask: what is the matter? I am a doctor (there are some claims prefer to many innovators that they aren’t doctors). I have a scientific degree of the candidate of medical sciences (in history of a medical science the most of serious openings have been made by candidates of sciences). My scientific position is logical and it adds the explanation of reason of development of autoimmune diseases, and it explains the reason of primary development of allergic reactions on a skin and mucous membranes connected with an environment, the reasons of failures in full medical treatment of an allergy and allergodermatoses, etc. Then what is the matter? From today's position the main causes of nonacceptance of so powerful innovation in medicine is the following. At first, leading experts I repeatedly addressed to whom, they badly knew the basic postulates of Acarology - the branch of science which is engaged in studying mites and illnesses, caused by them from people. It has been connected with Clinical Acarology, which was and now remain rudimentary. Secondly, the problem stated by me allowed to think to everyone about simple decision of this problem. As any scientist-enthusiast obsessed by studying problem, I named this illness (Acariasis) and its activator (mites - Demodexes, Dermatophagoideses). There is the name of this illness and we know its activator. And how were we trained in medical high school? They spoke us: if the cause of illness is known then cure of illness is easily. But in the case with Acariasis it is impossible for that simple reason, that the clinic of diseases caused by Demodexes and Dermatophagoideses from the person is too intricate. There is an explanation in a science to this fact: than more higher-compound the activator (the mites are higher-compound), so more complicated the clinic of disease caused by them. Thirdly, saying is really true: the true is easier, and then it carves more difficultly its way itself in life. Fourthly, the human factor plays the important role. Involuntarily the well known true appears: the coryphaeuses had to accustom to consider own scientific positions of all times. They highly respect of their own theories widely introduced in practice. There is a pity of time which they spent for working out for these theories. Therefore they regard to all news unfriendly and with watchfulness and they prevent of its introduction to life. The true allowed them, presented as on a palm, to think of simple resolvability of the problem without participation of the pioneer. They did not consider the following: one business - to study disease strict under the scientific plan and another - to study illness in natural conditions of its transfer from patients to the healthy people. At last, I started to inform the medical society about presence of infectious disease when even the thoughts on presence of unknown infectious illness did not suppose among the people in 1980-1981. It is very pleasant, that nowadays in many establishments including those I addressed earlier, the widely learn the Demodecosis. But now we have to ascertain: powerlessness and hopelessness appeared in performances of lecturers of XXVIII Congress of Allergists of Europe in June, 2009. That is a pity, that the little knowledge of English did not allow me to state completely the position about Mite Allergy and Mite Allergodermatoses at dermatological section of this congress. On a boundary of the third millennium the health of the population of the Earth is approximately at the same pitiable level, as it was two thousand years ago. And it in spite of high development of medicine. Then the Scabies (Sarcoptic Acariasis) raged with all its complications. The liquidation of Scabies and Pediculosis has provided to Demodexes and Dermatophagoideses the liquidation of competitors of symbiotic biocenosis of the nearest human environment. According to the scientific literature the mites of these two genus live together with the person for a long time (since 1841 - Demodexes, since 1864 - Dermatophagoideses). For so long interval of time (according by biology laws) mites of the specified genuses became at first ectoparasites, and then - endoparasites. The indirect demonstration of such evolution of Demodexes and Dermatophagoideses is statistics of morbidity of the people during last two centuries, and also state of health of people at present time. Other species of mites which are found out in a dust of places of staying of people, they were in direct contact with people for a short time. Attempts of some representatives of these mites to transition from symbiosis to ectoparasites described in the scientific literature by some researchers under the name Trombidiosis, Dermatitis of cheese mites, Pulmonary Acarosis, etc. We (R.D.Zhaxylykova and V.N.Kusov, 2002) described the cases of dermatoses, caused D. gallinae, which found out in a household dust of treated patients. Thus, at present time the most widespread are Demodecosis and Dermatophagoidosis. Cases of Allergies and Allergodermatoses which actually are clinical masks of Demodectic and Dermatophagoidic Acariases, they give in full medical treatment by using etiopathogenetic resources. Therefore, correct using of the preventive actions directed on liquidation and prevention of Demodectic and Dermatophagoidic Acariases, can provide the prevention of Allergies, Allergodermatoses and other widespread NID. There is an opinion without reason that our illnesses are caused by changed ecology in most cases. How it shows the greatest influence on our health is rendered by micro ecology or biotope which it has crowded with mites. With level of cleanliness of biotope they have connection with respiratory allergoses (Pollinoses, Allergic all-the-year-round Rhinitises, an Asthmatic Bronchitis, Bronchial Asthma), Acne, Discoid Lupus Erythematosus, Demodectic Blepharoconjunctivitis and the most part of other illnesses, that people suffer now. And cleanliness of biotope directly depends on many factors. It is the main to introduce by everyone the cleanness in the places of their staying. Undoubtedly, its age and the type of construction have their meaning, temperature and humidity indoors, hygienic skills of inhabitants, there are a lot of things and subjects, covering floor with fleecy material, presence of pets, frequency and quality of cleaning, presence at someone of inhabitants of chronic disease, and many other factors. Mites are alive beings. Thirst of life forces to them to breed in geometrical progression and to be disseminated. The number of mites is decreases when mechanical cleaning is regularly made indoors. It is necessary to daily wiping with the damp soap well wrung out rag of all surfaces on which the dust can congest. Instead of soap it is possible to use the means of household of chemical goods, which are intended for cleaning of corresponding surfaces. The floors recommend washing every day. Also recommend to clean (with vacuum cleaner, shake up or with brush) all subjects which covered the floor. Besides, places of storage of street shoes and clothes recommend cleaning as possible as often. Weekly it is necessary to move easy units and wipe them. At that time don’t forget to wash refrigerators, kitchen utensils, windows, doors, to vacuum clean some books and lights. Once a month it is necessary to make general cleaning with obligatory washing, wiping and shaking up everything that it is indoors. Once a half a year you have to do the cosmetic repair. At the same time all things with are inside and outside must be well wiped. The contents of cases and niches should be shaking up, dry, wipe or wash out. Only such regular work can be provide full cleanliness from mites in biotope. To told about it is necessarily to change bed-clothes once a week. If there is a member of family with an allergy or problems with a skin it is necessary to change bed-clothes twice or three times a week. It is forbid to lay down or sit down on the bed in outer clothing. It is necessary to change the underwear everyday. On a warm day you should bathe twice a day. On a cold day you should bathe once a day or once two days. During the bathing it is necessary to wash a head. Considering the epidemiological conditions you should have a shower with triple lather of body in the following sequence: at first with laundry soap (it dissolve the adipose matters well), then with tar soap (it has antiparasitic effect) and the third time with the soap possessing with softening effect (reduces or eliminates easy dryness of skin). Twice a day it is necessary to wash face with soap. You should go to bath with steam room once a week. The towel and other things of sanitary should be individual and always clean. The accessories of bed, bath and underwear are necessary to launder in the washing machine with temperature no less than 90 degrees. Children's toys and things should be especially clean. Children must sleep separately from adults. Parents, especially grandparents should not touch their faces to kid’s faces. The child should be accustomed to observance of personal hygiene from the earliest age. All these simple actions will be guaranteed pledge of prevention of an Allergy and Allergodermatoses among young generation, pledge of improvement of the health of senior generation, the way for prevention of relapse of illness after its full medical treatment among allergic people. My long-term rechecked supervisions let me to confirm firmly: Demodexes and Dermatophagoideses cause developing initially-chronic disease from all members of the family very slowly. The infectivity of mites is 100 %. However, clinical displays of Acariasis are different in each member of family. Especially for this reason there is no family in which at least one person would be absolutely healthy. Mites are found out in house dust everywhere. It means, that Demodectic and Dermatophagoidic Acariases are extended everywhere. The situation nowadays is: 90% of diagnosed in medicine so-called noninfection diseases (allergic, skin, rheumatic, oncologic, neurologic, mental, etc.) in fact they are complications of Acariases and extended everywhere. So, these facts say about presence of pandemic of Acariases at present. The pandemic of Acariases is immediate cause of this fact of "rejuvenation" of illnesses ascertained by pediatricians; the epidemic character of distribution of an Allergy and Allergodermatoses by allergists and dermatologists; forecasting of doubling of morbidity by rheumatologists, oncologists and other specialists in the nearest future. The stated facts dictate necessity of realization of treatment of any chronic disease against a background careful cleaning of surrounding conditions from house dust mites. Even when the illness is not caused directly by house dust mites, addition of Acariasis on any other disease can’t affect the general condition of the sick person. Therefore now the pure environment from mites will promote full and more accelerated treatment of the person from any illness. This opinion is confirmed the numerous facts from the scientific literature. They verify that the observance of hygiene is basic of effective treatment even the most difficult illnesses. For example, the way of full treatment from cancer by Nisi’s system, described Vatanabe et al. They used daily or some times a day, contrast baths for treatment of cancer of I-IV stages though the authors do their accent on using of natural beet and carrot juices. Antiacariatic individually picked up treatment against a background observance of the most detailed recommendations described elimination of the family life above, has helped us to cure completely over 8600 patients from Dermatitis, Urticaria, Allergic all-the-year-round Rhinitis, Pollinoses, Eczema, Neurodermatitis, Psoriasis, Parapsoriasis, Rhinophyma, Rosacea, Alopecia, Erythroderma, Demodecosis, Prurigo, Furunculosis, Photodermatosis, Acne, Xanthomatosis, Precancer of Skin, Pruritus, Dryness of Skin, Skin Cancer, and others listed diseases in the beginning of the article. And I am ready to share with my experience with colleagues. Careful observance of cleanliness was recommended to patients not for only full deliverance from illness, but also for prevention of relapse of these illnesses in future. Those patients who continue to keep the rules of elimination in private life from house dust mites, they don’t have relapse of disease within more than 20 years. At present time the problem of elimination of family life begin to study in global scale. People with allergy must not use natural pillows, feather-beds, woolen blankets. In different parts of the world start to issue of various adaptations for reduction or liquidation of mites in environment and human body. It is a bedding from synthetic, chemical means with acaricids action for using in our life, pharmaceutical and nonpharmaceutical means, vacuum cleaners with various adaptations for reliable cleaning, different devices with antiparasitic action, etc. At first, acquisition of the specified means will help to get rid of house dust mites only under condition of their regular and correct using. Secondly, not all advertising means are equally effective in struggle against house dust mites. Important to spend cleaning regularly and correctly not only in inhabited, but also in industrial and public premises, places of time stay of people (shops, transport, theatres, hotels, offices, etc.). It is desirable to create everywhere the specialised enterprises for rendering of services to the population on clean-up household and industrial conditions from house dust mites by experience of Muscovites How to find time for observance of ideal cleanliness in the environment and when do we expect the results? At modern rates of our life it is hard to find time for such occupation. But observance the ideal cleanness in own environment compensate of conservation and strengthening of own health and the health of members of the family and surrounding people. But how find any time for this purpose every day? From one side, is necessary discipline yourself. Cleaning can replace the gymnastics. It is natural and very useful gymnastics: and it is training of our body, and the house is pure, the our health and the health of our relatives becomes stronger. If you have enough money you can resort services of the specialized companies. The positive results from cleanliness without mites you can expect in half a year from the beginning of regular cleaning of environment. What complexities do we need to expect? If the offering recommendations were applied thirty years ago, then only at a small part of people daily who have bath daily with three soaps should be expect of occurrence of unpleasant feelings. Because at that time people who amazed by mites were less and most of them had an initial stage of Acariasis. But now all people by Demodexes and Dermatophagoideses amaze, it takes place without exception. Therefore daily or in a day bathing will cause in many undesirable reactions in the form of short term or constant dryness of the skin. Such reaction of the skin unequivocally specifies that this person already has the skin amazed by mites. Many people without frequent bathing notice the dryness of the skin. Such dryness of the skin is one of noticed symptoms of Acariasis. We must remember: the healthy skin is never dry or greasy. If the dryness of the skin have arisen after frequent bathing and tolerant, it is necessary to tolerate it or you need to grease the skin with a small amount of children's cream without stopping of bathing. But when the skin is densely amazed by mites, the dryness of skin is usually visible and from the frequent bathing it is more amplify. In excessively dense defeat of the skin by mites, it becomes on the skin occurrence of linear grazes, separate or grouped rashes, thickening of the skin, etc., after frequently washing with bath sponge and soap. Such reaction of an integument testifies about necessity of serious medical treatment of the skin. Only on the sick skin any undesirable changes appear as a result of natural washing. Occurrence of any rough changes on the skin as a result of frequent bathing with soap and bath sponge is a result of sharply expressed defeat by Acariasis. People who have diseases of the skin, frequent bathing can get worse sharply the condition of their skin, therefore at first it is necessary to address to dermatologist for medical treatment. Remember: the hygiene of the skin without cleanliness of clothes and an environment will not give desirable result. At careful observance of recommended cleanliness the skin will become healthier with each time. Especially the skin of kids until six year old will be healthier owing to feature of an anatomic structure of their skin. If the person already has the second or third stage of Demodecosis or Dermatophagoidosis (the stages of Acariases are described in the book «Allergy as the reason of growth of diseases to the beginning of the third millennium. Allergy = Acariasis») one bathing does not cure from illness. Such patient should take a course of special medical treatment, and then, for the purpose of fastening of results of medical treatment, he needs to bath regularly bath with three kinds of soap at least during half a year according to observance of ideal cleanliness of everything which he gets in touch. 

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