
Clinical masks of Acariasis

    The clinic of acariasis

The clinic of acariasis has different manifestations in the beginning stage and depends on ways of implantation of mites into organism of owner. Distinction of clinical manifestations of different acariases in a terminal stage must be studies by young colleagues.

Any mites at first have an adaptation to place of implantation. Then it continuing adaptation procreate. Further - it settled in new places. Gradually in process of growth of number of the mites arise appreciable to everyone changes on the skin infested by mites. There are arising subjective feelings, which at first are hardly appreciable and changeable. These changes in the course of time only increase and without special treatment do not pass.

Look at a skin of open parts of a body of elderly and young people! There are different changes. The detailed description of clinic of acariasis demands enormous quantity of time.

Implantation of mites in a healthy skin does not pass complete disappearance. The pink or dark point practically is noticed by nobody. The easiest itch is not notice neither by infected nor surrounding person.

Further in process of distribution on a skin the symptoms of illness are amplifying. These symptoms of demodectic acariasis remain flabby during long time at the majority of people.

The displays and complications of acariasis become heavier year by year. Practically it is expressed in increase of various diseases so-called "non-communicable diseases". Among them, according to our supervision, from 70 to 95 % of which is a clinical masks of demodectic acariasis in the form of an allergy and allergodermatosis. In such percent of cases throughout 42 years took place the absolute recovery from an allergy and allergodermatosis as a result of spent antymite treatments.

The clinical masks of acariasis

Acariasis is an infectious disease. With it no struggle is conducted because it do not diagnose. According to an axiom any infectious disease in the absence of due struggle is capable to give the most improbable displays and complications.

Acariasis also gives a similar picture. Its displays and complications are become heavier every year. Practically it is expressed in disease increase by various illnesses among which considerable part of various clinical masks of Acariasis.

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