

Is it really possible a life without an allergy? 2014.

Effective cancer prevention measures. 2014

Clinical acarology must take the deserved place in medicine

Dear chairman! Dear participants of conference! First of all allow to express gratitude to organizing committee and its chairman to Mister Michel Bertrand for the given opportunity of participation at the given conference and to wish creative successes in the further labour activity all participants of conference!

The main formula of health

Author:     Zhaxylykova R. (2007) PhD.
Source:     “SP”, 2007, No7, page 6
Health is the treasure that can not be bought for any money. In most of cases a human being is borne healthy. In further life the components of health are maintained and formed by the particles of the water we drink, the air we inspire, the meal we eat, the clothes we wear and the household environment, conditions of working and recreational places, habits and etc. Certainly the condition of environmental ecology, namely the ecology of micro-district and inhabited locality in general, is a matter of great importance.

The truth about an allergy

Author:      Zhaxylykova R. (2006) PhD. Clinician with 43 years’ experience.
Source:     “Business region Kazakhstan”
Nowadays we may talk easily about the true aspects of allergy. Twenty six years ago it was very difficult to state own opinion about true cause of allergic diseases and reactions. As time passed, the works ....

Do not afraid to know the truth

Author:     R. Zhaxylykova. (2006) PhD.
Source:     “SP”, 2006, No 20
Nowadays allergic diseases according to its morbidity take the third place amongst cardiovascular and oncological diseases, and in certain environmentally unfriendly regions such diseases head the list.

Mite-borne aggression

Author:     R. Zhaxylykova. (2007) PhD. Allergist – dermatologist - acarologist with 44 years clinical work experience
Source:     «СП», 2007, № 19(346), p.16

Demodecosis of a person – is the disease of the whole body of person inducing by microscopic mites of Demodex type. Demodex always starts from ...

The benefits of summer sunburn

Author:     R. Zhaxylykova. (2007) PhD. Allergist – dermatologist – acarologist.
Source:     «СП», 2007, № 32 (359), p. 18
The sun, the air and the water– our best friends! It was, it is and it should be
Nowadays the experts insistently recommend being careful of excessive sunburn. Meanwhile our ancestors were unremittingly working under sizzling rays of the sun and were not afraid of it as we are afraid now. At the same time we are aware of the ancient aphorism: the sun, the air and the water - our best friends. So why do the doctors of the whole world warn people against sunburn? Why did the sun become harmful from the factor of health?

Why do we sneeze, “cry” and hide in the summer time?

Author:     R. Zhaxylykova. (2006) PhD. Allergist – dermatologist – acarologist.
Source:     «СП», № 25 (352), p. 16
Sickness – it is always unpleasant and often long-term test for the whole body of a person. And the allergy is not the exclusion which strenuously lets know of itself in the form of serial sneezing, lacrimation, asthma, pruritus and etc. with the advent of warm days. Nowadays the allergy is the global medical problem having the distinction of unexpected nascence and sometimes leading to the loss of consciousness and diminution of arterial pressure.    

The new approaches to treatment of allergy and allergodermatoses

Authors:     R. Zhaxylykova, A. Ahimova (2009)
Source:     ALLERGY. European journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. Supplement 90. Volume 64. 2009. P. 277.
The statistics of morbidity forces scientists to recognize the presence of epidemic of allergy and allergic dermatoses. Dermatologists state 100% affection of skin of people by demodexes. Specialists of the house dust mites ...

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