Author: R. Zhaxylykova (2013)
I am grateful to colleagues, friends, acquaintances for the feasible help in enormous work had been done. Therefore I express huge gratitude to engineers and the staff of scientific research Institute of the Regional Pathology, working in 1981-1983, to stuff and nurses of gastroenterology department of the Republic Clinical Hospital, working in 1973-1980, also to native, relatives and all my friends. With feeling of profound gratitude I want to list by name those who assisted in performance of this work. Among them:
1. Zhaxylykova R. D., Malikov A. M 1982-1987. Way of diagnostics of Demodecosis. Copyright certificate.
2. Zhaxylykova R. of 1983.Secondary allergy or Zhaxylykova's illness. Alma-Ata. 14 pp.
This report is in
R. Zhaxylykova. (2013) PhD. Clinician with 48-years’ experiences.
This is my report about serious discovery in the field of clinical medicine. I devote it to EAACI-WAO Congress 22 – 26 June 2013 in Milan.You have enough time to acquaint with it, discuss it and to take a decision.
The name of my report is
Are non-infectious diseases actually not contagious?Author: Zhaxylykova R. (2013)
- 1-2 times a day (in the morning and in the evening) to take a hygienic shower with a bast and soap (economic, tar, sulsenovy, green).
- Dry skin needs using soap with glycerin.
Author: Zhaxylykova R. (2013)
1. Children should be daily bathed in salt solution alternating to poorly pink solution of potassium permanganate till one year.
2. After bath child should be wiped with an ironed towel or ...
Author: Zhaxylykova R. (2013)
1. Treatment of the basic and accompanying diseases agrees to the standard technique in medicine.
2. Careful elimination of a biotope ...
R. Zhaxylykova
Clinical medical acarology is less developed field. Some aspects of acarology are reported by the specialists from different fields: infection disease doctors, dermatologists, epidemiologists, rheumatologists, allergists, acarologists, veterinarians, microbiologists and others. The results of our studying more than 35 years are certified that clinical acarology should be one of the leading disciplines of clinical medicine ...
About the presence of pandemic of acariases on our planet, caused by Demodexes sp., Dermatophagoideses sp., Sarcoptides sp. (the latent and atypical forms of illness) and other mites of household dust, we widely inform experts and the public during more than 30 years. This information is reflected in the article «The acarological problems of clinical medicine» on sid=35694 and The history of discovery of Acariases and its documentary acknowledgement are illustrated in
Person’s acarias is primary chronic infectious (parasitic) associative disease of all human’s body which is caused by mites (Demodex, Dermatophagoides, Sarcoptes scabiei and others) in association with fungi, bacteria, viruses and others microorganismes. Acarias always starts from derma (acarodermatitis) and (or) mucous membrane, which is connected to external environment. In the absence of appropriate medical and preventive treatment measures mites gradually affect internal tissue and organs, acarias progresses and it detected under different clinical masks ...
R. D. Zhaxylykova, A. D. Ahimova
At present the scientific literature and the periodical press are full of the information testifying the mites activation. According to our repeatedly checked data of scientific researches, which were conducted for more than 35 years, demodexes, dermatophagoideses and other mites, which have become constant residents of our environment, cause the homonymous acariasis, which acquired the pandemic dissemination. Acariasis is progressing because of the lack of the dedicated control. The most serious manifestations and complications of acariasis are registered in medicine under the mask of known allergenic, skin, rheumatic, cardiovascular, oncological and other diseases. The most important for diagnostics, medical treatment and prophylaxis of demodectic, dermatophagoidic and other acariases is the best knowledge of its clinics. For liquidation of acariases ...
Allergy can be cured completely. For that you must know the real reason of allergy.
more ...12.06.2015