
Practicable ways to prevent systemic lupus erythematosus.

R.D. Zhaxylykova (2009)

Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a severe systemic disease of humans, the pathological process of which affects skin, mucous and serous membranes, internal organs and tissues. According to statistics, the prevalence of SLE has been steadily increasing in almost all countries of the world. For example, according to American scientists over the past 20 years the number of patients with SLE in the United States increased by 45%. What is more, there is an upward trend in rates of this disease among children.

Skin lesion is an obligate symptom of lupus erythematosus. Although in 10-15% of cases symptoms at onset of SLE disease are as if there are no changes on the skin, this state, as the researchers note, is temporary and transitory. The scientific literature describes more than 28 variants of skin changes in SLE. The most typical are reddish spots anywhere on the skin. These spots are quite bright, can merge with each other, and sometimes are sharply delineated from the surrounding skin. Characteristic manifestation is the ‘butterfly’ symptom - the presence on the cheeks and nasal bridge of red rash which forms a shape resembling a flying butterfly. Almost all the researchers note that described changes of skin are preceded with skin dryness, diffuse hair loss, brittle nails, emergence of whitish lesions or ulcers on the oral, nasal, and vaginal mucosa.

Knowledge of clinical picture of acariasis and ability to clinically detect many of their manifestations and complications allow us to interpret differently the facts reported in scientific medical literature about lupus erythematosus. And these facts are the following. At the stage of the «butterfly rash» on the skin, specialists diagnose discoid lupus erythematosus (DLE). Demodex mite is acknowledged as the leading etiological factor of DLE. Histochemical changes on DLE patches gradually spread over the entire skin integument. At the same time, LE cells and antibodies to DNA begin to be detected in the blood of patients. Signs of gradual damage of various internal organs and tissues develop. The essence of developments – inflammation and destruction of various body tissues. Facts are a stubborn thing. The information set forth reveals the generalization of the pathological process in patients with DLE. At demodectic acariasis, the pathological process gradually covers the skin and mucosa communicating with external environment and further spills over to internal organs and tissues. Profound immune disorders occur in SLE. In acariasis, immunological disorders begin already at the stage of primary manifestations as allergy. By the time, when the pathological process has involved various internal organs and tissues, autoimmune aggression reaches the peak. Acariatic process ends with the development of a state of immune deficiency or immunodeficiency.

That skin dryness is one of the earliest manifestations of acariasis, we have written earlier. According to our data, DLE is one of the complications of demodectic acariasis on skin side. What changes occur in the body of patients with DLE when it turns into SLE is described above. The acariasis is the main cause of ‘family’ cases of SLE in families where before patients with any systemic disease were absent. Hence, it must be concluded that the disease should be treated at the stage of skin dryness or at least at the stage of DLE. And it will be the most effective prevention of SLE. Acariasis can be cured completely, which cannot be said about SLE. Any disease is easier to prevent than to cure. "And what about solar insolation, hypothermia, stress and other ‘reasons’ for the development of SLE?" - you may ask. All of those are just provoking factors for affected with far advanced stage of acariasis.

We do not cure SLE. It is cured by rheumatologists. However, we can rid the patient of DLE and other earlier complications or manifestations of acariasis. And that is the most effective prevention of SLE. Besides DLE, we successfully help to completely get rid of photodermatoses, alopecia, acne, dermatitises; allergies, rhinophyma, eczema, neurodermitis, psoriasis, parapsoriasis, prurigo, furunculosis, Demodecosis, demodectic blepharoconjunctivitis, keloid, erythroderma, dryness and itching of skin, precancerous skin diseases, skin cancer, leukoplakia, kraurosis vulvae, chronic recurrent urticaria, etc.

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