
Undiagnosed Demodecosis is one of the causes of failures of clinical medicine of the early 21st century

Rakhima Zhaxylykova

As the WHO states, currently noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) are the major cause of death worldwide, causing more deaths than all other causes combined, and their prevalence has reached epidemic proportions. Despite the efforts of medicine, growth and aggravation of NCDs are not amenable to correction yet. The WHO notes: all countries of the world suffer effects of NCDs for human, social and economic dimensions.

NCDs are slowly progressive and long-running diseases, which include allergic, cardiovascular, endocrine, oncologic, dermatological, gastrointestinal and other ones.

Demodecosis is a primary chronic infectious associative disease. It was diagnosed in 96% of the 388,780 people when inspecting the entire skin covering and in 98% of the 2 million people from across the world when inspecting the exposed parts of the body. Acarological examination of 17,823 affected found: Demodexes in 98.1%, Dermatophagoidesses in 0.5%, Sarcoptes scabiei in 0.6%, unidentified mites in 0.8%. In 2.4% of the examined were found concurrently Demodexes, Dermatophagoidesses and Sarcoptes scabiei. Colonies of Demodexes were found in 100% of: in the skin papules of 242 patients with itching diseases, in acne elements of 247, in atheromas of 18, in chalazion of 12 patients. In 18 people with healthy skin all of the available methods of diagnostics failed to detect mites from the skin.

Over 42 years, we have observed the avalanche-type spread of Demodecosis and growth of its various complications among the population. Of 42,980 patients that had sought treatment, 92% fully recovered after the anti-mites treatment. Before resorting to us, these patients had been treated unsuccessfully at ophthalmologists (1.4%), rheumatologists (1.2%), oncologists (0.5%), gynecologists (0.4%), endocrinologists (0.4%), surgeons (0.3%), urologists (0.2%), psychiatrists (0.1%) and other physicians (0.4% of patients). The largest number of the admitted patients had allergic (57.7%) and dermatological (37.4%) diagnoses because we provided chargeable services to patients with allergic diseases of the skin. Details on www.allergy.kz

These facts together with the WHO information allow asserting that the lack of diagnosis of Demodecosis and its mentioned clinical masks is one of the reasons for the currently rising incidence of NCDs. The independent researcher is up to prove this opinion by complete cure of patients with various Demodectic variants of NCDs on the background of acarological monitoring over time. 

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