
The clinical masks of Acariases. 2014.

The clinical masks of Acariases

R. Zhaxylykova. 2014.

About presence the pandemic of Acariasis, caused by house dust mites, we informed the community since 1981. Acariasis is the primary chronic infection. The absence of struggle against this illness as absence of the struggle against any infection conducts to different complications. These complications are the clinical masks of Acariasis. Nowadays the physicians of different parts of medicine work with this clinical masks of Acariasis. The given fact is confirmed by statistics of morbidity of people so-called “noninfection diseases”. In this row are a skin's allergic illnesses. According our data the 70-95% of skin's allergic diseases is complications of Acariasis. At present time there are many facts in official medicine which indirectly testify to presence the pandemic of Acariasis. But we will tell about the facts which conducted us to so responsible conclusion.

The prerequisite for our so serious investigations was the casual detection fact about 100% infectness of sick person with Demodectic Discoid Lupus Erythematosus (contrary to categorical back opinion of dermatologists). Therefore we dilated our main research work by more scrutinizing the coverlets of patients. Involuntarily we began visually estimate the condition of skin on open parts of body of surrounding people. To 1979 we received the strong conviction about the presence the nonregistered Demodecosis epidemic among the population. The following two years was dedicated to intensive studying of all parametres of any scientific discovery. In results we haven’t any doubt about veracity of our observation's data. All following years we continued more deeply study this problem, and concurrently informed the corresponding organs about the appearance detection. As a result we learnt about widespread Dermatophagoidic, latent and subclinical variants of Sarcoptic, and others Acariases.

Nowadays we purposefully examined all coverlet on more than 450000 men, an open part of body on more than 2 million representatives of all continents. During our observation with every year increased the quantity of people who had had infected by mites skin. Since the August of 1981 we not met the people with healthy skin. The laboratory examination allowed found out mites at 99,8% people from 7817 who had having infected by mites skin. Etiopathogenetic treatment allowed completely recovery more than 8670 sick people with different masks of Acariasis. Among theirs was the 178 kids with Atopic Dermatitis, 785 persons with Food and Drug Allergy, 762 with Pollinoses, 213 with Allergy on decoration, 243 with Photodermatosis, 13 with Vulval Leukoplakia, 16 Vulval Kraurosis, 172 with Discoid Lupus Erythematosus, 926 with Acne, 69 with Alopecia, 359 with Neurodermatitis, 9 with Skin Cancer, and others. Necessarily to say that during every following year Acariasis became severity and complexity even at babies. For example, if in 1970-s among infecting people 85% hadn’t subjective complaints, then in 2009 the same infected was only 27%. If in the beginning of 1980-s for full recovery the sick people from skin's allergic masks of Acariasis demanded nearly one month, then nowadays it demands from six months to two years depending on clinical case. Dear colleagues! Please compare these data with epidemiological data in your part of clinical medicine. Owing to given Congress every of you can inculcate the given knowledge in every days practice and accordingly can give the full recovery to patients from acariatic variants of illness. Unfortunately nowadays Acariasis is present at all people. But pleasantly that the technology on the beginning of XXI century is allow to specialists from different parts of our planet can have the team-work on distance. Such work is suggested by us on EURAAC Newsletter, 2011, №5, pp. 7-13. We can help the serious clinics in assimilation of the full recovery methods from widespread clinical masks of Acariases. The given team-work will help all of you to convince of presence the pandemic of Acariasis.

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