
Allergy is a plague of XXI century

Author: Zhaxylykova Rahima Dosmahanovna, candidate of medical science, allergist-dermatologist-acarologist.

Source: “Business-region Kazakhstan”, 2006.

Lots of people have allergy. Due to this fact it is called the 21st century plague. People suffer from allergy but they can not fully recover from it as nowadays it is recognized by the official medicine as a cureless disease. The people with allergy and medical workers do fear of violent reactions of allergy. But once a chance whatsoever helps to solve the problem. Likewise the solution of the problem was brought by the case which the dermatologists-students of the Almaty Institute of Doctors Training graduated in April of 1981 should have remembered. The colleague with complaints of mature allergic complications of vaccinated demodecosis applied for consultative reception by late Professor R.K.Makasheva with participation of ten dermatologists-students. This moment was a push to more detailed research of true allergic causes. Since then 25 years have past. During that period the ultimate cause of allergy has been identified, the patients with various manifestations and complications, mostly with allergic dermatosis, have been successfully treated. For 1993 – 1995 the clinical diagnostic methods of allergy-acariases have been compared with the results obtained in the laboratory researches of skin, conducted according to the methods being either well-known or developed by various authors, including us. Thus, the time and practice have proved our rightness.

It is very difficult and complicated to conduct non-stereotyped researches. But our population is very literate. The people are great. In spite of the fact that we provided them with paid medical services they always encouraged and supported us. We express our profound gratitude to them. It is impossible to describe our inside happiness when we observed how the patient was fully recovering from the disease. The publications have also given a feeling of satisfaction to us. We also felt delight while obtaining the certificate of authorship and patents. In short, it is impossible to describe everything. That is life.

The allergy is a well-known disease for mankind. During the last two millenniums there has been a growth in the population of the Earth, increase in percentage of its packed habitation under deterioration of hygienic conditions in household and working life, weakening in power of natural healthful factors, increase in direct and indirect communication between people and etc. In chronological order there has been distinct growth in frequency of allergy. But the heaviest growth in numbers of people with this disease has been observed by the end of the 20th and the beginning of 21st century. Based on the results of the research on morbidity rate of this pathology amongst the population the scientists have come to the conclusion that spread of allergy in Europe had an epidemic nature. In connection with such situation 25 leading universities in Europe have been consolidating their efforts to identify the ultimate cause of the disease and further liquidation of its morbidity. Before the depressing statistics appeared we have identified the initially chronic and infectious nature of the disease’s origin. We are ready to nail our arguments down through 1) reproduction of this disease on volunteers; 2) radical recovery of patients with allergy, allergic dermatosis and other diseases with allergic mechanisms occurred. Chemicalization of production and household life, environmental pollution, increase in consumption of pharmaceuticals and other amenities of urbanization create a basis for faster manifestation of allergy, its progressing and implication of its complications which have not been observed earlier. Let’s remind that the basis of allergy is an affection of human body by microscopic mites with various (in each certain case) microorganisms.

No matter how shocking the truth can be, each of us should be aware of it in order to recover in full from allergy and to prevent its repeating in future. The truth is that allergy is acarias caused by community of microorganisms. The leading component of this community is microscopic mites. The mites have four pairs of legs and piercing-sucking-cutting-gnawing mouthparts. They are immensely adaptive which allows them to change the color of their outer covering but also to change step-by-step their internal structures according to biochemical components of certain host body. The mites breathe through the surface of their bodies. But the specialists point out that under favourabe conditions they can transfer to anaerobic type of breathing. First of all the mites inhabit glands of skin and mucous membranes which interact with external environment. Further on they spread round the human body. It means that acarias starting from skin and mucous membranes go slowly and safely into internal tissues and organs of human body. Accordingly, our data give a scientific explanation to facts fixed by the allergologists from all over the world: the immunological mechanism of allergic reaction firstly starts in skin and open mucous membranes. At further stages of the disease the cause factor affects internal tissues and organs of human body. These data also give a scientific explanation to those facts which the medical workers identify as an allergy of internals in a certain case. In the scientific literature the numerous cases of allergic affection of tissues of lungs, liver, kidneys, heart, brain and other internal organs are described. For example, there are publications, which contain the information that allergic inflammation of heart muscle sometimes simulates acute myocardial infarction and etc.

Each human organism is individual. It has its anatomical, biochemical, immunological, psychological and other special features. Furthermore, each person has individual feeding working, household, hygienic, week-end and other habits. All these habits influence on further stay of the microorganism community in his body. That’s why a certain disease (in this case, acarias) clinically manifests in different ways in different people, including the members of one family. All these reasons coupled with the efflux of time cause the development of various complications of acariasis. For example, one member of the family may have acne disease, the second member - atopic dermatitis, the third member – bronchial asthma, the fourth member – baldness, the fifth member – rheumatism, the sixth member – cancer of organ and etc. At present the existing consequence of acarias pandemia is the "rejuvenescence" of diseases, diagnosis of many "- its" almost in all adult people as well as frequently in children, incidence rate of so-called "chronic noninfectious" diseases amongst the population. We’d like to remind once again that we do not propose a new theory. We are ready to prove our position by full recovery of patients with various nosologies.

The duration of incubation period depends on many factors and may last for indefinitely long time. The 1st stage of the disease – stage of primary allergic manifestations – rapidly appears in people affected with immensely seeded mites under bed, household and (or) working) conditions. In such a household environment the infants especially suffer, their disease manifests mostly in a form of skin itch, unmotivated skin reddening caused by various physical, chemical, food and other irritators. As a rule, these children are bathed rarely and improperly. As the practice shows, unfortunately, this situation is observed in the families of rather well-educated young people. Frequently, exudative diathesis, atopic dermatitis, food or drug allergy, bronchial asthma and etc. affect these children. Very often prior to birth of a child the parents in such families have allergic manifestations due to mite-affected household environment. It means that condition of biotope is a primary cause of the disease.

The abundance of precipitations in a form of spots, papillomas, warts and etc. coupled with middle or old age of person make the specialists evaluate the condition of skin as precancerous. As 32-years practice show, acarias is capable to cause innocent and malignant swellings in a human organism. This assertion is not new but commonplace truth, which says: "Any infectious disease is capable of giving the most improbable complications, if the proper fight is not conducted against it ". In consideration of current scientific data, acarias has been existing among human beings more than one millennium.

We’d like to describe the case of a man of 64 years old as an example of uncommon skin allergic affections. Prior to applying to us he has past a full cancer survey in the Oncology Institute. No cancer has been discovered in his organism. Tuberculosis, leprosy, system diseases have been also excluded. The man was cachectic (extremely debilitated). The color of his skin was almost black. His hands with various warts were deformed and they resembled "bumblefeet” of birds as described and shown by zoologists and parazitologists in the respective literature. This patient was from Kzyl-Ordinskaya region.

Our observations witness that all people starting from homeless ones and including top-managers (it is obviously seen on the TV screen) have acarias. It means that everyone has a start point of disease but only time and conditions of life identify which complication in the future will develop in each individual.

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