medicals, biologists, parasitologists, acarologists, zoologists, veterinarians, infectionists, epidemiologists, agrarians!
Dear colleagues!
I’m captivated by results of your work without which I would not come to the conclusion that is, addressing you. I’ve seen by my own eyes in natural conditions disease (acarias) and this is pushing me to share my experience. And after 24 years of futile trials to inculcate results of unique observations into a wide medical practice I’m asking for your help. I am sure anyone who is in the same situation as me would do the same: non-stop signaling until someone will pay attention.
Serious discoveries have never been done on an empty base. After few years of continuously watching natural conditions spread diseases I have started to thoroughly study these branches of biology which are connected to acarias. If all knowledge about acarias from there collect together and sort out – we’ll have an almost unified picture of these diseases that cannot be diagnosed by clinic medicine. That’s why there are no medicinal-prophylaxis measures against acarias. Below you’ll find just a small amount of information which are connected to existing now pandemic allergy = acarias.
Scabies has been known by people before the modern era (BC), and during the next 12 centuries AD it had been considered as non-infectious. The cause of scabies was explained as “wrong shift of juices of human being organism”. During the next 7 centuries there were stubborn discussions in medicine about infections of scabies. And only in 1837 with discovery of the microscope and an appearance of the possibility to study stimulus of scabies (mite Sarcoptes scabiei) infections of this disease was proved. But during a long time after that there were many scientists in medicine, who continuously believed in constitutional origin of scabies. The right measures to eradicate scabies quite soon lead to the liquidation of scabies pandemic. However, in present time we can note some sporadic cases of scabies (sarcoptic acariases) and even small epidemics of it confirm that this disease is not yet completely studied. As variant of norm admits healthy carrier the scabby mite.
Presence of microscope helped to discover other mites: Demodex - in 1841-1842, Dermatophagoides - 1864 etc. These types of mites were excreted from the skin of classic scabies patients by pioneers and by other researchers (including us). Demodexes was excreted from the skin of patients with skin diseases as well as from the skin of healthy patients. Scientist’s opinions on this microorganism up to now are three fold: saprophyte, nosogenic agent, (appearance cause of discoid lupus erythematosus, blepharitis demodecoses, and acne erythematosa) and relative nosogenic mite, which can cause illnesses only weak immunity in people’s. During last 163 years mite Demodex has been periodically discovered in different organs and tissues of human being organism (in the saliva, lien, lymph nodes, lymphoducts, liver, atherosclerosis laminas of big arteries, of malignant tumor, pathologic skin formation etc.) all of these cases were interpreted as occasional finds. At the same time demodecoses as unified illness was better studied only in cases with animals, especially dogs. Dogs are very pungent and their fur is changing in the hard cases of demodecoses. In the terminal stage dogs are exhausted and marasmus is developing. There are Demodex canes in the different internal organs of the dead from demodecoses dog’s bodies. Some researchers describe demodecoses-gravis (human being organism destruction), which can cause people to die. Veterinarians put all stock in quarantine if during treatment they find one demodex case all carcasses of dead animals which died from demodecoses must be buried two meters deep. Vets can treat ears of animals which carry the demodecoses scabies in their practice. Unthinkable, but there are some cases when vets have been trying to treat people from demodecoses – owners of ill animals and there have been some sad results of these trials. It’s gratifying that after our non-stop claims about Demodex and demodecoses in scientific literature as well as on the Internet, many researchers have started to expand their changing views about etiology of many skin allergies and other diseases. But if treatment carried out by them is not fulfilled and demodecoses is not completely treated the consequences are not good. For example, there are some photos on the web-site, where after treatment we can still see existing demodecoses. You can also see photos on and where skin changes in patients with systemic morpfea are present there is acarias of IIIa stage (based on our classification).
From the description of scientists, Dermatophagoides causes cutis scabies, which “practically cannot be treated because mites are living deep in the wounds and are feeding on the patient’s blood”. The first 60 years after discovery nobody reminisces about this mite. Starting from 20th of XX century this mite has been discovered in homes and production dust, quantities of discovered individuals and types have been growing year after year. During the 60’s in the last century Dutch scientists proved involvement of Dermatophagoides developing respiratory types of allergies. However, authors feel that Dermatophagoides are passive factors which cause allergies whilst coming into contact with micoderma respiratory ways of the human being during the shaking of bed sheets. Mites waste is the most common allergy. Our researches during the last 31 years testify that Dermatophagoides cause human’s dermatophagoidic acariases. This fact is described in scientific literature cases of allergy markers (Ig E) tested on a high level of patients with pollinosis, who were taken out to the far north during intensification of the disease. There is another fact, most perspective doctors during the 18th and 19th centuries recommended to asthmatics not to use feather beds. Very often this recommendation caused an improvement of health to patients. At this present time we know scientific interpretation of this fact. At the same time feather mites are studied mainly in zoology and veterinary circles.
There is a fact from published materials that mites are very adaptable and them easy transfers from ectoparasitism to endoparasitism. Some cases of small acariases epidemics are known by way of vegetable goods transportation. Epidemics of “water scabies” are also known. Targeting the prevention of house mites from vegetation, builders have created special planting rules near to building areas. There was a trial to develop methods of mites discovered in food, etc. There are many facts of more then 200 types of existing mites seen under a microscope in production dust.
Allergies have existed a long time but now there are so many types of allergies and so many patients with allergy diagnosis than ever before, there is an epidemic of the spreading of allergies amongst people. Non-infection diseases (rheumatic, some skin diseases, allergic, cardio-vascular, neurological, oncologic and gastroenterological) epidemiology study results did by researchers in the second part of 20th century certify infectious characters of these diseases. Some scientists are claiming that every person is carrying a disease of some kind and only time and life will define which disease will develop. Paediatricians are noting the rejuvenating of certain diseases which are considered as “normal” for elderly people. In the beginning of the 20th century some scientists were examining the common origin of rheumatism, bronchial asthma, osteochondrosis, varicose, eczema, neirodermitis, etc. In humanity history there was a period when people used to live in the water. In scientific publications there are some facts that Wattanabe from Japan treated hundreds and De Broys from Germany who also treated thousands of patients with malignant diseases and they cured them. There is an opinion in acarology that Demodex is a stimulus of almost all the cutis diseases. In the beginning of the new millennium, medicine is searching cells and genes, the medical equipment achieved a very high level.
Enumeration of published facts can be continued but the main idea is acariases has already existed a long time. Even not complete eradication of sarcoptoses cause the reduction of many diseases – factual clinical masks of sarcoptoses. In the first place the coming out of clinical masks of demodecoses and dermatophagoidoses confirming that interrelation in the micro world are similar to those in the macro world, plus there is a tendency of earth population growing and contacts between people from different sides of the world are increasing, ecology is changing, etc. In the published materials of acarologists, parasitologists, zoologists, vets, agrarians, biologist’s influence of mentioned tendencies is described.
I am the first to propose (already 24 years) to reproduce diseases (which are considered incurable) using volunteers and to radically treat them. Scientists whom I have met on my way (called white as black) stopped the publishing of my works and the approval of my authority. Heads of the Dermatology Service of the Republic Relatives issued secret orders from the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Kazakhstan for all main republic publishers “not to publish works of Zhaxylykova”. Chairmen of sections at a USSR acarology conference in the town of Frunze received an order – “not to discuss anything about demodecoses”. Director of Central Cutis Institute, in personal meeting agreeing on all positions of demodecoses and on cooperation « after reception of the letter - attitude from a place of yours (i.e. mine) jobs », sends the refusal letter. One medical professor was a witness of radical therapy in hard cases of allergies and recommended me to publish my works together with him, and I later discovered he published these works in co-authors with others. Another colleague promised to be a co-author to help with the practical introduction of a patent and seized this opportunity to be a co-author for his own “targets”. These are just a few examples of things which have happened to me and now I’m happy that demodecoses is recognized and has started to be studied by many researchers and described by us etiopatogenesis as some allergy diseases supported by some scientists. But it’s not enough to root out all allergy-acariases and corresponding clinic masks. Sarcoptosis was unbeatable last 19 centuries, demodecoses and dermatophagoidoses are more complicated and to be treated it will need probably a long time and that will cause appearance of probably more complicated and unknown complications of diseases.
I think the most humanitarian way to approve etiology of allergy is the introduction of radical ways to therapy diseases – factual clinic masks of acariases. I have tried to determine specific weight of clinic masks of acariases using allergy dermatosis (info on the base of appeal), rheumatological, neurological, oncological and other disease patients (using studying status of cutis by a chosen group of patients in normal conditions of a regional clinic). I can confirm that presently 80% of “widespread and continuously spreading diseases” are clinic masks of acariases.
During the last 24 years I have seen very often the development of acariases inside our community, including children. On this basis I have decided to do a personal experiment by infecting myself with acariases. Dermatologists and allergists have made wrong interpretations of my allergic condition. My hypothesis of involvement acariases to the allergy was confirmed during experiments on cats, radically treated patients with allergy and myself.
I believe that there are many scientists in the world who take people’s health higher than their own interests, also that they can help to introduce in clinic medicine methods of radical therapy from “widespread and continuously spreading diseases”. To introduce innovation is even more important then innovation itself. It is hard to see neglected forms of disease especially in children’s cases and that is why I am always coming back to the acariases problem, even after non-understanding from medical officials. I am observing people on television and on the streets affected by acariases and their complications.
Here is a formula of innovation: Using clinic-experimental and laboratory methods I have established an unknown characteristic of mites in colonies (Demodex, Dermatophagoides, Sarcoptes scabiei) living in glands of cutis and mucous membranes, organs and tissues of people. They are reproducing very quickly and settle on all cutis, mucous membrane, inner organs and tissues and in the beginning cause a minimal sub-clinic display on the skin which is picking up as normal a long time (from a few weeks till tens of years). During this time sensibility is increasing and then immunity of organism is exhausting with continuously developing of allergic reactions, allergic diseases, immune-allergy origin diseases and finally – the diseases of immunoinsufficient and Immunodeficiency.”
Dear colleagues! Please help me to introduce diagnosis, therapy and treatment methods of acariases and it’s clinic masks into practice and thereby help all people, you, your relatives and descendants. I can guarantee equal rights co-authorship and honest cooperation.
Please contact: +7 300 341 3873 E-mail:
I appeal to all media! Please expand this information and descendants will be thankful to you.
Zhaxylykova Rakhima Dosmakhanovna, PhD
Allergy can be cured completely. For that you must know the real reason of allergy.
more ...12.06.2015