2011 Astana city.
Dear Colleagues! You know the facts, written below. You can't be agreeing with arised resume from them.
The facts.
The acarologists are demonstrate the presence of mites in house hold dust of all residential construction and manufacturing firm of all continents except Arctic and Antarctic.
The allergists are certifies about double of allergic illnesses every ten years in the latest 30 years of the past century. And with his prognoses it is not a limit. The given fact compelled the allergists to consider allergy as infection.
In the near future the dermatologists, rheumatologists, oncologists, endocrinologists, neurologists and other clinicians are forecast the double of curable with them morbidity.
Practically all specialists note that the illnesses, which they are treat, look younger and harder.
The epidemiology of all over noninfection diseases (NID) as rheumatical, allergic, skin, cordial, neurologic, oncologic and others are displays of its infecting character of spreading. So the facts are stubborn thing.
During more than 30 years I am stating the presence among the population undiagnosed infection disease – Acariasis (Demodectic, Dermatophagoidic, subclinical and latent of Sarcoptic), caused by dust mites. It described in my publications.
That is to say independent of each other we state as the same: clinicians say about epidemical way of spreading diseases and I – about the presence of pandemic of Acariasis which clinical masks are the NID and some new illnesses. Obviously that phone without wire is work quicker. In the beginning of January 1981 for the first time I said about resume of my long-term observation. In the April of the same year in foreign magazine was appeared the first article about the presence of new infection disease in human population – AIDS, which existence nowadays are doubtfully for many scientists of number country. There are increased the publications about mite allergy today (after my contacts with different specialists). I am admitting the fortuitousness.
The tactics of Health’s official
Nobody (neither leading scientist nor health official) not cooperating with me about inculcation the proposal by me methods of diagnostics and treatment of Acariasis in medical practice. Some of them printed my materials as own to them shame. Owing to big functionary’s wife, who want confer my dissertation material, about me was spread the gossip. Moreover I don’t enter in any medical maphiosy group. In that situation I could not inform the management about avalanche distribution of not registered infectious disease among surrounding people. Therefore I have been compelled to make definitively sure about correctness of myself observation, to defend the dissertation and only after that to address in competent instances about the resume of my done additional research work. Therefore it is natural that one of reproaches in my address was to name my speeches as populist, self-advertising and God knows still with what. At the beginning of my address to competent organs I believed that I will manage to show and prove the presence of "new" infectious disease as this illness is accurately visible with open eyes even at babies. But things are right where they started. To say that I was tired is tell nothing. The thought arises involuntarily: is it really validly that the medical helmsmens be worry for the health of people, really they have enough honesty and courages to business contact with me? But last 30-years make me doubt of possibility of cardinal change of their relations to the innovations opened not by them …
What can do the practical doctors?
The practical doctors is the whole army who has own opinion on the basis of own observations. Therefore I want to recommend them the following. These recommendations are not make worse the condition of any patients. Perhaps during the observation someone of doctors can to teach the clinical current of Demodectic, Dermatophagoidic, latent and atypical Sarcoptic Acariases from beginning to stages of complications.
The contents of this work.
If you want to recognize the presence of the Acariasis pandemic, please, do the following work.
To patients with skin allergy (to food, solar, insect, medicinal), please, spend the standard treatment. But on the basis of careful elimination of biotope against dust allergens. (The elimination from dust and mites allergens does not contradict the legislation of any country.) The carrying out of elimination actions should be regularly and correctly. During of their carrying out it should be traced carefully. It is connected with following. Now the 90% of allergies represent the one of the earliest clinical masks of pandemic widespread associative invasion illness - Acariasis, caused by mites (Demodexes, Dermatophagoidesses and Sarcopteses). I.e. during treatment it is necessary to watch carefully for the correctness and continuous performance of elimination measures. Besides, the patient should has daily in the morning and evening the bathe under a shower with a bast and three soaps (72% laundry soap, tar soap, the third soap can be nursery, with glycerin, dove or another). The third soap can be changing depending on a skin condition. During work it is necessary to adhere to a principle strictly: «Don't harm! ».
Acarologist on mites should take part in work necessarily. He will carry out in dynamics the acarological control of the skin, mucous membranes, household and industrial conditions of the patient (details in EURAAC Newsletter, 2011, # 5, pp. 7-13). The level of infectiousness for the patient of members of his family and attendants persons is considered necessarily. After 12 - 24 months from this treatment you can carry out the allergic tests and be convinced that your patients already more freely use the former "allergenic" substances and factors. Thus, you will be convinced about infectious character of an allergy.
The contraindications for carrying out of the given work.
To patients with rough changes on a skin (for example, the presence of Psoriasis, Discoid lupus, Eczema and others) one bathing hardly will help. Besides, as a result of frequent bathing there can be problems which are necessarily to eliminate. If the rough changes on a skin is absence the condition of rheumatologic, oncologic, dermatologic, cardiovascular, neurologic, and other patients will be improve after such additional treatment. Are your remember the treatment by Vatanabe et al.? They use a contrast baths for hopeless patients with cancer process. Carrot and beet juice was only the appendix. Do not forget that treatment of the basic disease should be spent by the standard technique, but on the ideal form of everything that surrounds the patient and adjoins with him.
If your need for the help, please, e-mail: zhax-rd@mail.ru .
Our request: please, don't disturb us if you are only interesting.
The wishes to doctors.
I wish good luck and successes to all doctors who will decide to spend the given observation within 2-3 years. Performance of the given work does not break laws of public health services of any country as patients will receive the standard treatment. Putting in order the surrounding conditions of the patient and everything to what he adjoins, is not infringement, and only careful performance of the due sanitary code.
The exchange of experience.
I invite to active cooperation on an exchange of experience the doctors who are engaged in studying and treating of Demodecosis, Dermatophagoidosis, Sarcoptosis.
The author of the given address
Rakhima Zhaxylykova, PhD, member of EURAAC and EAACI.
September, 2011
Allergy can be cured completely. For that you must know the real reason of allergy.
more ...12.06.2015