
Is it really possible a life without an allergy?

Is it really possible a life without an allergy?

Author: Zhaxylykova Rakhima

This question excites many people, especially those who suffer from allergy not one year.

Allergology as science has appeared only in the XX-th century. Before this period cases of an allergy were observed extremely seldom and they were diagnosed differently. The rapid growth of allergy among the population was the reason of starting of allergology.

Allergy can be cured completely and it may be prevented absolutely.

“How it is possible?” – you can ask us.

The methods of preventive maintenance of an allergy are extremely simple. Full treatment of an allergy is possible at its any manifestations, but ways of achievement of it depend from severity level of his symptoms

This my professional position rechecked by time and practice during more than 40 years.

This professional position is in the given site www.allergy.kz and in any of my publications.

Please, don't hesitate and ask your questions. I will keeping to medical principle «do not harm» and will try to give concrete advices.

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