
The real prevention of allergy

Author: Zhaxylykova R.

How to avoid occurrence of symptoms of an allergy?

The best way to prevent occurrence of allergic reaction - to avoid contact to allergen or, at least, to reduce these contacts to a minimum. Sometimes it is difficult and is very burdensome, therefore far not always probably to supervise allergy symptoms.

The person with an allergy on pollen of plants should avoid walks on the nature, playing sports on fresh air and stay in the street in the middle of day when air temperature is maximum. Forecasts of flowering of the various plants are published in mass-media already in many cities, therefore the most dangerous in respect of influence of allergens of pollen can be learnt days in advance and not to leave at this time on street.

People with a food allergy should avoid the products causing allergic reaction. But, unfortunately, not always we know, which components contain in this or that dish. At many people an allergy on a soya which contains in many bakery and confectionery products. The peanut and peanut oil also are a part of very many ready products presented on regiments of shops.

If an allergy on any pharmaceutical substances the doctor will help to choose a safe medicine.

For the majority of allergies the best prevention is the control over environment and strict observance of rules of hygiene, especially it concerns bedrooms.

Cleaning in a bedroom should be spent very often. It is necessary to air a room constantly. Important regularly to vacuum a floor, carpets, curtains and all surfaces of a mattress, besides, it is necessary to dry from time to time a mattress on the sun. Bed-clothes, and soft toys it is necessary to erase blankets periodically at temperature not less than 60 C.

Woollen blankets, pen pillows and downy blankets it is necessary to replace pillows with products from synthetic fabrics. In an ideal it is desirable to clean from a picture bedroom, carpets, a product from a wool and fur and not to use heavy fabrics for curtains and curtains.

The best way to avoid the contact with animal in the presence of an allergy is to find for an animal the new house.

The mould in premises always is a consequence of the raised humidity which is not always easy for control.

It is important to know, that the usual vacuum cleaner deletes only a small part of the mites containing in a dust. Therefore to the people, suffering an allergy, is necessary to observe following precautions.

There are exist special sprays that kill the mites. It is necessary to process the carpets and mattresses 4-5 times in year . After processing it is necessary to vacuum carefully a carpet or mattress surface since dead mites cause an allergy in the same way as alive.

Practically all components of a house dust are allergens. The quantity of a dust in the house depends on age and the house location in relation to roadway, industrial establishments, a climatic belt, a season, repair(s) of house, etc. On contents of allergens rural houses differ from apartments of townspeople a little. Much is defined by the hygienic maintenance of premises of tenants living there. Within one house the difference between quantity of a dust in different rooms, for example, in a bathroom and a bedroom is possible...

Invariably only that any house dust - the complex set of allergens, the main thing from which is the mites of dust.

The houses and apartments possess a constant microclimate. They are rich with the food rests that involves many animals. So, throughout many centuries near to the person inhabit cockroaches, a house mouse, rats. However, besides them, in dwelling of the person now inhabit mites.

The most effective way of prevention of allergies is to bar from contact of a skin to house dust mites. The mites are found out not only in household, but also in an industrial dust, a dust of sidewalks, roads and other places of permanent or temporary stay of people (in transport salons, theatres, trains, planes, hotels etc.). More full information about prevention of an Allergy and Allergodermatoses are reflected in our publications:

«The prevention of an Allergy and Allergodermatoses»

«About it should know all»

«Obligatory conditions for full recovery from an Allergy and Allergodermatoses»

«A skin is a health mirror»

And other articles of the author of the website.

Instruction for people with an allergy on a mould:

To thicket air places where the mould can develop, especially bath, kitchen, cellars and attics.

· Struggle with dampness, liquidate a different sort of a leaking.

· Clean and disinfect ventilation and conditioners.

· do not store the grown mouldy products

· Pay attention to pots for indoor plants: whether has appeared on them of a white or orange touch (it is a mould).

· Wall-paper promotes mould growth (it grows from walls).

· do not undertake walks in wood after a rain or in a fog.

· do not concern bags with leaves which have been collected even several days ago.

· Old houses and constructions where lived in crowded conditions, as a rule, are full of a mould.

Source: http://www.medlinks.ru/article.php?sid=55197

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