
Application in WAO from Zhaxylykova Rakhima

Application in WAO from Zhaxylykova Rakhima

Let me express my deep gratitude to the WAO Center for the opportunity to participate in the application for the status of the WAO Center of Excellence.

I am an Independent Researcher, Dr. Rakhima Zhaxylykova, for 49 years I have thoroughly studied the clinical and laboratory manifestations of a massively spread allergy among the population.

I openly voice my position, tested by time and practice, and I can prove it. According to your requirements, I can organize: 1/ Short-term online courses on the recovery of infants up to 5 years of age from atopic dermatitis. 2/ Conduct a seminar for allergist volunteers who will supervise children and their parents who are recovering during the rehabilitation course. 3/ Conduct a master class for parents and allergists on identifying early hidden symptoms of allergies in babies. Gathering the target audience, allergist volunteers, providing online meetings should be carried out by IT-specialists volunteers free of charge or for payment from charitable donations of individual organizations and citizens.

My center is engaged in clinical research, education and training of both patients and their families and supervising medical staff in the basics of complete recovery from allergies and allergy prevention.

With a friendly working environment, by allergist volunteers, IT volunteers, I can prove the true cause of allergic diseases, as well as ways to prevent allergies, including the prevention of anaphylaxis. I can conduct a mass online recovery from allergies of the Russian and English-speaking population of the planet.

In conclusion, I once again convincingly state: I clearly know the real cause of modern mass allergy, I know how it develops, becomes complicated, what it fears, what it likes and contributes to its prosperity, finally, I know the ways to eliminate many manifestations and complications of allergy (its clinical masks). Please, include this application in the number of applicants for the status of the WAO Center of Excellence, if your priority is the result.

Thanks again to WAO for the information sent and the opportunity to participate in the competition.

With wishing good luck and success WAO

Dr. Zhaxylykova Rakhima D., PhD, allergist-dermatologist-acarologist, with 56 years of clinical experience, member of EAACI, EURAAC, EUROMEDICA, WAO/JAS (2020).




08/11/22 Ответ на отписку редколлегии   

Dear Colleagues

In my case it is about discovering the real cause of the allergy. I know how to prevent and treat allergies. Please take a closer look at my suggestion.


Dr. Zhaxylykova Rakhima D., PhD, allergist-dermatologist-acarologist, with 56 years of clinical experience, member of EAACI, EURAAC, EUROMEDICA, WAO/JAS (2020).



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