
The elimination of the pandemic of unrecognized Demodecosis is the main key to getting rid of allergies in humans of the twenty-first century.

1 The elimination of the pandemic of unrecognized Demodecosis is the main key to getting rid of allergies in humans of the twenty-first century. 
Rakhima Zhaxylykova 
PhD. Clinician with 55 year experiences. Independent researcher. The member of EURAAC, EAACI, WAO 
Astana. Kazakhstan. 

The originality of this study lies in that it is conducted by the clinician who has traced the spread of Demodecosis among the population in natural conditions, reproduced Demodecosis in the clinic and in experiment, developed antidemodectic ethiopathogenetic treatment of various clinical manifestations of Demodecosis. Observation began with an incident - follow-up of the patient with discoid lupus erythematosus, from the focal lesion of which large numbers of Demodexes were coming out. Disagreement with the views of dermatologists about complete safety of the patient for surrounding people made me maintain my own observation of the condition of the skin of all people who were in contact with the patient. This made it possible to trace in natural conditions the infection with Demodecosis of other patients, colleagues, and visitors to the hospital, taught to recognize subclinical symptoms of Demodecosis in in-patients, allowed to catch slightest manifestations that occur on healthy skin of humans at the initial stage of lesion by Demodexes. A positive result of anti-mite ex juvantibus treatment confirmed the mite nature of some symptoms in hospitalized patients. Successful reproduction of Demodecosis in clinic and in experiment finally confirmed the pathogenic role of Demodexes in humans. During the clinical experiment a direct relationship of Demodecosis with allergies was discovered. Over the following 41 years the relationship of Demodecosis with allergies was studied closely and ethiopathogenetic treatment of multiple types of allergies was developed. During 48 years, a total of 43198 patients sought treatment. Previously they had been unsuccessfully treated in different medical institutions and/or by healers. In 92% of those referred patients, recovery occurred as a result of provided antidemodectic treatment. When necessary, clinical-biochemical, immunological, instrumental and acarological studies were conducted in patients. Demodecosis was clinically identified in 96% of 388780 persons upon examination of the entire skin covering and in 98% of over 2 million persons upon 2 examination of the skin of open parts of the body. 17823 persons were acarologically examined. Demodex was found in 98.9%. Colonies of Demodexes were found in the skin papules of 242 patients, in acneiform items of 247, in atheromas of 18, and in chalazions of 12 patients. In 18 persons with healthy skin, mites were not found. Biotope of 412 patients was examined. Solely Dermatophagoidesses were detected in household dust, but only Demodexes were isolated from the patients’ skin. Clinical manifestations of Demodecosis were very diverse. There were frequent subclinical manifestations of the disease. The earliest and most frequent clinical manifestations and complications of Demodecosis were allergies and allergic diseases. Discovered in 1970s avalanche-like spread of Demodecosis in the population was reflected by exponentially growing incidence of allergies over the last three decades of the past century. About this declared the allergists of the world. Anti-demodectic treatment resulted recovery of 95% of 1666 allergic patients and 70% of patients with allergodermathosis. This fact bears evidence that in 70% allergodermathosis, and in 95% allergy were the clinical masks of Demodectic Acariasis. Thus, the results of many years of clinical and laboratory studies indicate that currently Demodecosis is the main supplier of allergies. Therefore, liquidation of Demodecosis can provide a significant decrease in the incidence of human allergy, which, according to forecasts by the World Health Organization, becomes the most common disease of the 21st century. 
Keywords: Demodecosis; Demodectic Acariasis; allergy; allergodermathosis; anti-mite treatment; anti-demodectic treatment; ethiopathogenetic treatment; mite allergens; treatment of allergy. 

 In medicine, the existence of human Demodecosis as a holistic disease is still under debate. Although Demodex mite was discovered 180 years ago (in 1841), but until now, the question about its role in human is unresolved. The views of researchers vary from innocuous saprophyte and conditionally pathogenic agent to causative organism of demodectic blepharoconjunctivitis, discoid lupus erythematosus and acne rosacea. A case is described of a severe systemic lesion in the human body caused by Demodexes. At the junction of the old and the new eras, it was thought that Demodexes were implicated in the development of almost all skin diseases in humans. In veterinary, Demodex is unequivocally considered a pathogenic 3 microorganism. Quarantine is imposed on a sheepyard where an animal with Demodecosis is found. The corpse of the animal fallen from Demodecosis is cremated or buried to a depth of 2 meters /1/. Disputes continue about strict species specificity of Demodexes for hosts /2/. Morphology and biology of this mite is fairly well studied. Like any mite, Demodex possesses tremendous adaptability. Body build of this mite allows it to move on any surface and in any tissue. A complex piercing-cutting-sucking and scratching mouthpart allows it to feed on different nutrition. Glandular tissue is a favorite place for the localization of this mite. Demodexes breathe through the surface of its body. But there is information that some of its representatives have shifted to anaerobic type of respiration/3/. For a long time in medicine it was erroneously thought that Demodexes creep out of pores on the surface of the skin to lay eggs, which is contrary to the law of the conservation of species. Acarologists have established that Demodexes form colonies in inhabited by them skin glands, while in glandular tissue they form Krulikovsky’s spherules. Demodex mites are found in the skin of practically almost all people. Many researchers found Demodexes in human body excretions (saliva, tear fluid, sputum, bile, feces, etc.). Demodexes were found along glandular tissue that lines the bed of nerve fibers, and in soft nasal tissue. There are reports where Demodexes were found in lymph vessels and nodes, in spleen and liver. Presence of antibodies to components of Demodexes’ body was detected in the blood of patients with demodectic blepharoconjunctivitis /4/. There are references in parasitology that, in theory, Demodex mites are able to cause Demodecosis in humans, but in medicine it is unstudied and undescribed in a holistic form /5/. Over the past 30 years, allergic diseases have become the most rapidly spreading diseases around the world. Statistically, every fifth inhabitant of the planet suffers from allergy: every sixth American, every fourth German. In metropolitan areas this unpleasant disease affects from 30 to 60% of the population. Increase in allergic diseases is noted for both adults and children. Every third child in Europe suffers from allergy. According to unnerving forecasts by the WHO, 21st century will become a century of allergies /6/. 

Materials and methods 

This work was not planned. Observation began with a random fact. A concomitant disease was found in the in-patient of the gastroenterological unit: discoid lupus erythematosus. From the lesion on her face huge numbers of Demodexes were coming out (up to 15 in sight). According to the consultant dermatologists, the patient was considered harmless to others. However, by me 4 was not convinced with such a response. This doubt served as the reason for carefull observation of the skin of all people directly and indirectly contacting with that patient. In that period of time most of people had healthy skin. Against the background of healthy skin subtle changes, that began to be observed in people exposed to the patient, were visible. The changes revealed never completely disappeared but only progressed over time. Given initially healthy skin, six years later there were 342 persons with primary skin lesions by Demodexes. Changes caused by Demodexes trapped on the skin of people with healthy skin were clear and eventually underwent characteristic changes. This became a reason for careful examination of the skin of all people around (colleagues, visitors to the hospital, acquaintances, people in public places, speakers on TV screens, etc.). In-patients with chronic hepatitis also had similar changes of skin. In order to find confirmation of mite etiology of those changes when concomitant pruritus present, we began to assign external anti-mite ex juvantibus treatment to a group of 186 supervised patients. At the same time, a similar group was observed of 131 people who did not receive such treatment. Ultimately, skin condition improved sooner and for a longer period in the patients who received anti - mite therapy. This result confirmed the mite nature of the symptoms described and evidenced the existence of a caused by mite disease not considered by clinical medicine. With apparent high level of medical science and technology, existence of an unrecognized infectious disease among the population seemed implausible. This fact led to undertake a clinical experiment on August 10, 1980 – autoinfestation with Demodecosis. Successful clinical experiment dispelled all doubts. Therefore, from January 1981 I began to regularly inform competent authorities designed to protect human health about discovered phenomenon (the presence of unrecognized Demodecosis in the population). In 1981, to prove the articulated position, I conducted a mass examination of the skin of people in organized collectives (colleges, hospitals, working collectives, schools, kindergartens, etc.). Further, before the members of the Commission of the Ministry of Health I demonstrated colonies of Demodexes which were isolated from indicated by me specific pathological elements of the skin of allergic and dermatologic patients. I conducted a mass examination of residents and tourists in Almaty with monthly count of people affected by Demodexes. On the 8th month of the clinical experiment, an extremely severe allergic reaction developed, manifested by deep red color of the entire skin cover, skin edema, the emergence of bubbles, scattered bright pink papules, ulcers, and oozing lesions in the skinfolds. However, that inoculated Demodecosis was not correctly recognized by the dermatologists, but was diagnosed as erythrodermia before noon 5 (by Chief Dermatologist of the Republic) and as generalized neurodermatitis in the afternoon (by an ordinary dermatologist) and was interpreted as definitely noncontagious process, despite the anamnesis. To double-check raised doubts about the contagiousness of the process, material collected from the skin of the subject was applied on the skin of two prepared kittens. As a result, a typical demodectic lesion appeared on the snouts of both kittens. Since 1982 patients with allergic skin diseases were treated with consideration of the discovered new phenomena and using only methods and tools allowed in the practical healthcare of the USSR. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, treatment was provided to patients on a fee basis. Together with acarologist V. N. Kusov, doctor of biology, in 1993 – 1997, at the premises of the scientific medical small enterprise Saule, the comprehensive work was conducted which included acarological examination of treated patients and their biotope with species identification of detected mites. When necessary, clinical-biochemical, immunological, instrumental and acarological studies were conducted in admitted patients. During 48 years, a total of 43198 patients sought treatment. Previously they had been unsuccessfully treated in different medical institutions and/or by healers. Before applying to us, 57.7% of patients had allergologic, 37.4% – dermatologic, 1.4% – ophthalmologic, 1.2% – rheumatologic, 0.5% – oncologic, 0.4% – gynecologic, 0.4% - endocrinological, 0.3% – surgical, 0.2% – urological, and 0.1% – psychiatric diagnoses. And only 0.4% of patients applied without any diagnosis. A two-year follow-up of 8712 patients was organized after the course of anti-demodectic ethiopathogenetic treatment. Among them there were 1666 patients with allergy and 3460 patients with allergodermathosis. Before applying to us they had received treatment for: food or drug allergy – 763 patients, allergic blepharoconjunctivitis – 86, allergic perennial rhinitis – 178, pollinosis – 471, asthmatic bronchitis – 12, exudative diathesis – 712, acute urticaria – 42, chronic recurrent urticaria – 114, eczema – 149, neurodermatitis – 179, generalized dermatitis – 912, focal dermatitis – 972, contact dermatitis – 255, psoriasis – 117, parapsoriasis – 72, discoid lupus erythematosus – 49, photodermatosis – 43 patients. 

The method for monitoring the clinical condition of the skin of patients had been established previously. Therefore, even the slightest changes arising on the skin of people exposed to the desired patient were observed and recorded. Six years later, there were 342 persons who initially had had healthy skin and then had 6 direct and/or indirect contact with the patient with discoid lupus erythematosus. Demodecosis gradually developed in them at different rates and with different onset. A focused examination of the skin of open parts of the body was conducted for many years. When counted in 1981, every month the number of people with signs if skin lesions caused by Demodexes grew, while with the number of people with healthy skin of open parts of the body intensively decreased. So, in January 1981, 27% of 1807 examined had skin without mite infestation, and in August of the same year only 0.2% of 23175 examined had healthy skin. Starting from September 1981, people with healthy skin were no longer met. In subsequent years, with the same purpose continued examination of the skin of the open parts of the body of residents of visited 26 cities in Europe and Asia. In total, skin of the open parts of the body of over 2 mln people was examined. As a result of anti-mite treatment ex juvantibus, in the main group skin itching disappeared after 3-17 days of treatment, while in the control group it disappeared after 9-18 days. Two months later, itchy skin was absent in almost all patients of the main group and only in 30% of the control group. Skin condition in patients in the main group after applying anti mite remedies looked better than in patients in the control group. The facts instilled in me the confidence in the objectivity of the conducted observations. In more detail the findings of those studies were reported at the 6th All-Soviet Union conference of acarologists in Frunze in 1986 and at EURAAC Symposium in Montpellier (France) in 2008. Successful clinical experiment – self-infestation with Demodecosis ultimately strengthened confidence in the reliability of the observations. Inoculated Demodecosis took generalized manifestation, therefore, in March 1981 year treatment was initiated. Regular schemes of treatment of classical scabies did not fit. It was necessary to elaborate treatment of the demodectic type of itch. I had to work and only during my off-duty time to develop a treatment. Through trial and error, only by mid-1986 I managed to achieve full recovery from inoculated Demodecosis. 92% of 43198 admitted had positive outcome after the anti-demodectic treatment. Patients requiring assistance of allergist-dermatologist were suffering from Demodecosis. Before resorting to us those patients had the following diagnoses: allergic dermatitis, atopic dermatitis, contact dermatitis, allergy to bijouterie, drug allergy, allergies to insect stings (inseсt allergy), alimentary allergy, sun allergy (photodermatosis), demodectic blepharoconjunctivitis, chalazion, furunculosis, allergic rhinitis, asthmatic bronchitis, discoid lupus erythematosus, acne, pyoderma, lichen, sclerodermia, neurodermia, eczema, alopecia, parapsoriasis, psoriasis, rosacea, rhinophyma, prurigo, perioral 7 dermatitis, urticaria, xanthomatosis, pruritus, erythrodermia, kraurosis vulvae, leukoplakia vulvae, skin cancer, delirium of parasitosis, crus trophic ulcer, vitiligo. In more detail, findings under this section were sounded at the symposium of acarologists in Vienna (Austria) and the Euromedica Congress in Hannover (Germany). 70% patients with allergodermatosis and 95% of patients with allergy completely recovered as a result of the ethiopathogenetic treatment. Patients were followed up for two years after the treatment. There was no disease recurrence during the follow-up period. No disease recurrence was observed in a number of randomly tracked cases during more than 10 years. The results of treatment suggest that: in 70% of cases allergodermatosis and in 95% of cases allergy were clinical masks of Demodectic Acariasis. This information was provided in detail at the Congress of allergists in Warsaw (Poland) in 2009. A total of 17823 persons were subjected to acarological examination. Studies were conducted by the laboratory doctors of the dermatovenerology institutions of Alma-Ata and scientific-medical small enterprise Saule. Species identification of mites was performed by doctor of biological sciences, acarologist Kusov V.N. The following methods were applied: conventional method of scraping, examination of the studied surface in vivo, challenge test of Zhaxylykova R.D. and Malikov A. M. /7/. Demodexes were found in 98.9%. In 1.1% mites were not found. In 0.5% Demodexes + Dermatophagoidesses were detected; in 0.6% – Demodexes + Sarcoptes scabiei; in 2.4% – Demodexes + Dermatophagoidesses + Sarcoptes scabiei. In 18 persons with healthy skin, none of the available diagnostic methods could isolate mites from the skin. Colonies of Demodexes were found in papules of 242 patients, in acneiform items of 247, atheromas of 18, and in chalazia of 12 patients. In the biotope of 412 patients solely Dermatophagoidesses were detected, but only Demodexes were isolated from their skin. Unfortunately, from year to year, the number of patients with more severe clinical masks of Demodecosis increased. So, in 1982, the initial stage of Demodecosis was detected in 89%; in 1983 - in 78%; in 2006 - in 12% of admitted patients. Aggravation of the course of Demodecosis affected results and timescales of treatment. So, in 1991 maximum one month was sufficient for complete recovery of patients, in 2006 at least six months were required. Absolute belief in the objectivity of the studies led me to regularly report on discovered new phenomenon to health officials whose aim was to protect people's health. In 1981, in response to my first report Health Ministry of Kazakhstan demanded to present evidence. To do this, a mass examination of the skin of people in different collectives was conducted, which allowed to clinically identify Demodecosis in 96% of 388780 examined. Furthermore, to seven members of the 8 commission of the Ministry of Health colonies of Demodexes were demonstrated, which had been isolated from all of 42 sites pointed by me on the skin (back, feet, hindhead, neck, hips, shoulders, thighs, hands) of 37 dermatologic and allergic, inpatients and out-patients of the Republican Institute of Dermatovenerology. But the leadership of the Republican Institute of Dermatovenerology reported to the Ministry of Health that Demodex is an obligatory saprophyte found on the skin of all humans. Thus the topic of Demodecosis was closed for further discussion. Far from being fully disclosed volume of research allows to describe in brief the following primary clinic of demodectic acariasis. Incubation period of Demodecosis depends on the number and virulence of the mites, as well as from the original state of the host organism. Single mites on healthy skin are accompanied by appearance of pink, black, or red dots. Gradually the matte-white skin often changes its colour to mild pink which gradually increases. The intensity of development of skin redness depends on the growth rate of mites on the skin. For example, in a young, 17 years old girl who was at a consultative reception in the dermatovenerologic dispensary, the whole skin became rosy on the second day after a massive infestation. I diagnosed her with: “Widespread Demodecosis, the initial stage”. Dermatologists diagnosed her with: "Acute urticaria", although Demodexes were isolated from different sites on her skin. In people with dark skin after Demodex infestation the skin becomes darker, sordid. In high degree of skin infestation with mites, the skin of people of the white and yellow races acquires dirty-black shade, and in people of the black race it becomes sherry. As with any primary chronic infectious disease, in Demodecosis there is a high percentage of latent and atypical variants. Generally, the initial changes on skin depend on the number of inoculated infectious material. When a single mite gets on the skin, a light pink dot appears. With each passing day, this pink dot becomes of more intensive colour. In a certain time, the redness spreads out, that coincides with the time of resettlement of a new batch of mites to other pores of the skin. At this, skin obtains barely noticeable pinkness on considerable area. Thereafter, the intensity of the pink colouring of already a larger zone slowly increases. In locations of the densest inhabitation of mites, redness of the skin becomes express. This process continues a long time until more or less full colonization of all the skin pores by mites. Duration of this period varies in different people and depends on the prevalence of factors (household, industrial, food, weekend, etc.) mitigating or conductive to progression of the acariatic process. When neutralizing factors prevail, the intensity of the pink coloring of the skin undergoes involution. Objective changes on the skin massively infected by mites may vary widely: from changes in colour to emergence of various rashes. As noted, first and 9 foremost the color of the skin changes. When infested only by Demodexes, most often the colour of the skin turns from pink to livid red. In practice, as a rule, a mixed mite invasion occurs upon which the skin colour turns gray, brown, dark with a sordid and even a black tint. Pigmented and/or depigmented spots, chloasma, enlarged pores as black dots, freckles, excessive greasiness or dryness of some areas, papules, pustules, cutaneous horn, warts, frequent sties or furuncles, chalazion, and fine capillary network appear, etc. Pre-eminent lesion of hair follicles may be accompanied by transient increase of hair growth, which soon turns into intense hair loss with the development of diffuse or focal alopecia. Wrinkles appear, which, in young patients, are interpreted as mimic or caused by wrong position of the head and neck in bed, and in the elderly patients are linked with aging. In the latter excessive abundance of wrinkles often develop, which sometimes give the skin the appearance of cobblestone pavement. It should be stressed that in Demodecosis the skin greasiness changes. It becomes greasy or dry. Without treatment, demodectic changes on the skin progress. The rate of progression of these changes depends on the level of personal hygiene, general condition of the host organism, the degree of mite infestation of the biotope, and many other factors. In people with weakened immunity, changes in the skin quickly progress and lead to the development of various systemic complications. Total inhabitation of hypoderm by mites increases its aeriferousness, which seemingly attaches a look of hormone wellbeing of the body to the young. In some patients, ‘snow squeaking’ is felt under the fingers when palpating such skin. The abundance of Demodexes in the outer layers of skin is accompanied by the development of skin pathologies more fully described in the book “Allergies as the cause of the growth of diseases by the beginning of the third millennium” /8/. Of subjective symptoms the most common is itchy skin. But at Demodecosis it is very versatile and is easily alleviated by diversion of patient, admission of antihistamine drugs and sedatives, in a cool room, etc. When infested with a small number of mites, itch is mild and transient. For such patients, light stroking or light scratching is quite enough to stop itching. When a massive infestation with mites, itchy skin becomes more severe, and sometimes unbearable. A characteristic feature of itching at Demodecosis, as in any acariasis, is its increasing intensity at evening and night time. If excessive skin lesion by Demodexes, there may be burning, prickly sensation, focal tics, etc. There is no absolutely asymptomatic course of Demodecosis. They in medicine simply are still unaware of pattern of Demodecosis. 

Results of many years of clinical and laboratory studies indicate that Demodex mites in humans definitely cause a primary chronic invasive disease: Demodecosis (Demodectic Acariasis). Infection with Demodecosis occurs through direct and indirect contact with a source of invasion (from a patient with Demodecosis, from things, objects and surroundings contaminated with mites, etc.). We managed to grasp the slightest manifestations that occur on healthy skin of people at initial stages of its infestation with Demodexes. Then (in early 1970s), there were many people with healthy skin and inoculation of even one mite in healthy skin was visually noticeable. In addition, in the course of the main scientific work the methodology had been established already of clinical monitoring of skin condition of patients over time. The most important was a critical attitude to claim on the harmlessness of the patient, from the skin of whom large numbers of Demodexes were coming out. All these reasons have allowed eventually to trace an avalanche-like spread of Demodecosis in natural conditions, explore clinic of human Demodecosis, elaborate treatment of its various manifestations and complications (clinical masks). Trial anti-mite treatment, which provided improvement of the patients’ condition – the elimination of subjective (itch) and objective (skin became smoother and cleaner, rash disappeared) manifestations of disease, allowed to understand the verity of conducted observations. The positive clinical experiment even more strengthened this belief. Incorrect interpretation of clinical manifestations of inoculated Demodecosis by dermatologists indicated on the entrenched in medicine wrong view of allergic skin diseases. Just one injection of antihistamine drug (Chloropyramine) between the examination by the lead and ordinary dermatologists changed clinical manifestations from erythroderma to widespread neurodermatitis. Although a skin biopsy of the subject did not identify specific manifestations of the disease. That consultative examination of the inoculated Demodecosis by the leading dermatologist of the Republic (in April 1981) was the starting point for us for further scrutiny of the interrelation between Demodecosis and allergy. When conducted treatment eliminates the cause of the disease, the results do not make us wait. So it was in our case. We were receiving amazing results because of the introduction of our theoretical developments in the treatment. For instance, the worker, who had been incapacitated for three months and was admitted to the hospital of the dermatovenerologic dispensary, at once returned to work after three ethiopathogenetic treatment procedures performed by us. Young woman, which had had hay fever and suffocation and due to illness had previously relocated to another country, was fully cured and returned to the original place of residence during the guilty season. An elderly woman with discoid lupus erythematosus was cured to the state of infant skin on the face. An old woman, barely moving around the apartment due to crus trophic ulcers, fully cured and then began to provide medical assistance to patients like her. After our treatment no problems remained in a woman with the forehead skin cancer, due to which oncologists had previously recommended her to change job, and she continued to work as a trolleybus driver. There were many such 11 cases. The striking results were due to the fact that in all of those cases the patients received ethiopathogenetic treatment. In 92% of admitted patients recovery came from conducted anti demodectic ethiopathogenetic treatment. This fact suggests that in the specified percentage listed diseases were clinical masks of unrecognized Demodecosis, that is why anti demodectic treatment led to recovery. And the most frequent were allergic (57.7%) and dermatologic (37.4%) clinical masks. Since Demodexes inoculate through the skin, it is not surprising that primarily changes occur exactly on the skin. Indeed, in cases that were traced by us as the cases of infection through direct and indirect contacts with the subject patient, first changes occurred specifically on the skin. Moreover, the telltale signs of lesions were visible only on the originally healthy skin. It is therefore quite possible that discovered in 1970s and subsequently avalanche-like spread of Demodecosis among the population, stated by me in 1981 in the report to the health minister of Kazakhstan, revealed oneself by the observed by the world allergists triple doubling of incidence of allergies in every decade during the last three decade of past century. Reported by allergists at the dawn of allergology fact of predominant affection of the skin and visible mucous membranes also counts in favor of Demodecosis, since infestation with Demodexes takes place through the skin and mucous membranes communicating with external environment. I suppose, that in the official recognition of curability of certain types of allergies, creation of numerous anti-mite household, industrial, and pharmaceutical agents, dietary supplements etc., there is also partial merit of my numerous publications and appeals to different institutions. Why did allergic complication primarily develop in the experimentally reproduced Demodecosis? Firstly, the emergence of allergies in human body affected by mites is quite predictable fact. Components and discharges of any mites are alien to the human body, i.e. are allergens. This is an axiom. An immunocompetent organism generates antibodies to allergens. This is also an axiom. /9/. Anti-mite remedies used in the subject patient resulted in a mass death of mites that lived in his skin. At this, a huge amount of mite allergens discharged. A reaction, well described by immunologists, of connection of antigens with antibodies developed. As a result, allergy mediators generated, that provoked a stormy development of a clinical allergic reaction on the skin in the form of redness, edema, oozing lesion, and burning This judgement was confirmed by sufficiently rapid disappearance of symptoms after applying antihistamine –intramuscular injection of Chloropyramine - change of the diagnosis from erythrodermia (in the first half of the day) to neurodermatitis (after noon) /10/. Full cure of 70-95% of patients with allergological diagnoses after conducted anti-mite treatment testifies that the leading causative factor of allergies in those patients were mites, that had caused in them undiagnosed by medicine Demodectic Acariasis. 12 Could the discoverers, that reckoned Demodexes among saprophytic microorganisms of human skin, be wrong? There might be a two-fold opinion. Possibly, 180 years ago Demodexes were indeed saprophytes of human skin. However, according to the laws of biology, too long lasting symbiosis after such a long period of time could morph, first, into ecto-, and subsequently into endoparasitic mode of life. In favour of the latter opinion is the statement of allergic reactions in allergological patients not only from part of the skin and mucosa communicating with ambient environment, but also from part of internal organs. Unfortunately, clinical observations indicate that Demodexes freely live in the internal organs and tissues of affected people. For example, patient M., 34 years old, sensed movement of ‘insects’ along thigh muscles. Other patient S., 52 years old, sensed ‘movement of insects’ and itching in the large bronchi. Skin of both patients was affected by Demodecosis II stage. On the other hand, scabiologists have confirmed the existence of a ‘residual’, ‘acarophobic itching’ in patients treated from the classic scabies. That is, sarcoptic scab was cured, but ‘acarophobic itching’ /11, 12/ remained, and it could be due to remaining in the body of patients Demodexes and Dermatophagoidesses, which, as is reported by all authors of studies on classic scabies, always accompany Sarcoptes scabiei. According to the laws of biology, remaining Demodexes, in the complete absence of natural antagonists of the microcosm (Sarcoptesses, lices, fleas, bedbugs, etc.) and lack of struggle from the host, could have gradually occupied all the ecological niches in the human body and its immediate environment, which, is currently apparent. Judging by the actual observations, indication by some authors at favorite localizations of Demodexes is incorrect. Demodex inhabits glands at all sites of the skin, including the extremities, face, scalp, soles, palms, genitals, and glands of the mucous membranes communicating with external environment (ophthalmic, nasal, oral, auditory meatus, anal, urethral, etc.) And if there is Demodex in one site, then it is usually present in pores of all the other parts of the skin covering и mucous membranes communicating with external environment. The only question is its number, virulence, host status, and several other factors. Isolation of only Demodexes in the skin of patients, and of only Dermatophagoidesses in household dust of these patients requires close study by acarologists /13/. Currently, allergy is prevalent everywhere. In our studies, it turned out to be the earliest and most frequent clinical mask of Demodecosis. Therefore, it is appropriate to speak about a pandemic spreading of Demodecosis /14,15/, all the more so because, according to acarologists, Demodex mite is found in a high percentage of cases among residents of all continents. Due to the lack of diagnosis and proper fight, Demodecosis is present in the form of various clinical masks, which are the object of treatment by physicians virtually of all clinical specialties far from being fully listed in the analysis of diagnoses of admitted patients /16/. Therefore, the elimination of Demodecosis may provide recovery from its various clinical masks, primarily from allergies. But for liquidation of Demodecosis, a thorough knowledge of its clinical picture by all clinician doctors is required. 13 Thus, the follow-up of the patient with discoid lupus erythematosus, which incidentally started 48 years ago, eventually allowed to discover the pandemic of unrecognized by clinical medicine primary chronic invasive disease – Demodecosis. During these years all the stages required for proof of scientific discovery have been passed. Mankind is for a good reason concerned about the worsening tide of allergy and increasing diversity of its manifestations. Exactly because of the lack of diagnostics of Demodecosis all diagnosable so-called non-communicable diseases (NCDs) of humans (including allergy) are not susceptible to complete recovery. According to my observations, advanced Demodecosis already affects internal organs and tissues, which has clear consistent clinical pattern and finds confirmation in statements of world allergists about increased incidence of allergic lesions of internal organs and anaphylactic shock. Unrecognized, true infectious (demodectic) nature of cured diseases prevent professionals from not only eliminating, but even from lowering the growth of incidence of NCDs. In conclusion, I wish to say that reliability of the findings of my research is indisputable, that is why I am so persevering in my appeals including appeals to acarologists /17/. I can prove the verity of my scientific positions by demonstrating the complete cure of various clinical masks of Demodecosis (listed below), complete cure of which I repeatedly carried out over 41 years. List of diagnoses, among which patients may be selected for complete cure in the result of anti-demodectic treatment: Pollinoses, perennial allergic rhinitis, Atopic Dermatitis, Allergic Dermatitis, Food or Drug Allergy, Allergy on decoration, Insect Allergy, Contact Dermatitis, Dermatitis around mouth, Diathesis, Rosacea, Acne, Rhinophyma, Neurodermatitis, Psoriasis, Parapsoriasis, Eczema, Pruritus of skin, Furunculosis, Discoid Lupus Erythematosus, Demodecosis, Delirium of Parasitosis, Kelloid, Alopecia, Erythroderma, Photodermatosis, syndrome Reino, chronic relapse Urticaria, Xanthomatosis, Precancer of Skin, Skin Cancer, Dryness of skin, Vulval Leukoplakia, Vulval Kraurosis, Syndrome of Languid Skin, initial stage of Vitiligo, trophic ulcer of a leg skin, Prurigo, Demodectic and Allergic Blepharoconjunctivitis, initial stage of System Lupus Erythematosus. Possibly, there are plenty of other diagnoses which may also be clinical masks of Demodecosis. Acarological control is necessary in the course of treatment. Willing acarologists with a good knowledge of English and law can obtain a grant for this work. My task is to treat patients and, in parallel, teach the method to young colleagues. Scope of work is extensive everywhere. For instance, every third white skin American has a red face (clearly seen on the TV screens). Typically, such patients are diagnosed with lupus. Every third child in Europe is allergic (6). It is possible to help all of them before it is too late. 14 It is a pity that my ignorance of the language prevents me from communicating directly with English-speaking professionals and patients. 

It turns out that sometimes it is difficult to sort out who is your true wellwisher and vice versa. It turned out that for many years I expressed gratitude to the people who created obstacles in my work. But it is better to understand it late than never. The following people really helped me as much as they could: /Atchabarov Bahia Atchabarovich/, Zeltser Mikhail Yefimovich, /Birtanov Amantai Birtanovich/, /Klebanov Yakov Arkadievich/, /Dyusekeev Aman Dyusekeevich/, Malikov Auesbek Malikovich, Dubinina Elena Vsevolodovna, Kusov Vladimir Nikolaevich, Bertrand Michel, Andrey Shatrov, Krzysztof Solarz, Peter Schausberger, Pak Ivan Timofeevich, Kharchenko Valentina Viktorovna, Raisa Gabdulinovna Masheeva, Lilia Soloveva. 

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