43 years ago, disagreeing with dermatologists about good safety of the patient with discoid lupus erythematosus, from whose face skin a huge number of Demodexes was exuding, I started my own research. At the time, within the scope of my main scientific work, I was developing a diet therapy of patients with chronic hepatitis using national food products. Given skin itch of different intensity was pathognomonic for chronic liver diseases too, in a comparative aspect external anti-mite therapy, assigned to a particular group of patients, exceeded all of expectations.
Gradually, the mastered ability to recognize the initial signs of skin lesions, caused by Demodexes, allowed me to observe their snowballing expansion among the surrounding people. For proof of existence of Demodecosis among the people, the results of mass examination of skin of members in organized and unorganized communities were submitted to the competent Commission of the Ministry of Public Health, and extraction of Demodexes colonies from skin of patients with dermatological and allergic conditions was demonstrated. But the leadership of the Republican Institute of Dermatovenerology “explained” to the Academic Board of the Ministry of Public Health that Demodex is a saprophyte, which could be found on the skin of every single person.
My strong beliefs in the veracity of my own observations, corroborated by reproduction of Demodecosis in clinic and experiment, forced me to switchover to working as an ordinary allergist and dermatologist. Adding of my theoretical advances in the treatment of admitted patients gave amazing results. The worker, who had been incapacitated for three months, returned into the work after three treatment procedures. Young woman, which had had hay fever and asthma and due to illness had previously relocated to another country, was fully cured and returned to the original place of residence during the guilty season. An elderly woman with discoid lupus erythematosus was cured to the state of infant skin on the face. An old woman, barely moving around the apartment due to crus trophic ulcers, fully cured and then began to provide medical assistance to patients like her. Young women with kraurosis vulvae, leukoplakia, cervical cancer cured so that gynecologists subsequently examining them could not find even marks of previous pathology. Women with mastopathy got rid of nodes without operation… In all such cases I diagnosed Demodecosis, and subsequent ethiopathogenetic treatment provided full recovery to the patients. Total number of such patients reached 39542, which made up 92% of those seeking treatment. (More at www.allergy.kz.) Skin of exposed parts of the body of over 2 million people from different points of the planet and total body skin of 388780 people were examined for presence of clinical symptoms of Demodecosis. 17824 of them and 28 people with healthy skin were acarologically examined. The acarofauna of biotope was examined at 412 patients with Demodecosis. This very fact I was to let you know even at the first meeting in Montpellier in 2008. But that time I came over without knowledge of English. I am grateful to Professor M. Bertrand for the warm welcome. My obeisance to Professor P. Schausberger for grammar correcting and publishing of my articles in EURAAC newsletters.
Since most early and frequent clinical masks of Demodecosis were allergy and allergic diseases of the skin, I have tried to make contact with allergists too. In 2008 I joined EAACI. I stated my professional position to them, sent several published works. In the course of correspondence via e-mail, I received a message about electing me a member of the governing staff of EAACI Dermatology Section by e-voting. However, at the first meeting in Warsaw I heard a single phrase from the Deputy Head of the Dermatology Section: “A definite article (the) is missing in your report’s title.” I was astonished at heart. It later emerged that Professor Zh. B. Ispaeva, who in 1990s tried to racketeer my scientific medical small enterprise Saule, had arrived ahead of me to that EAACI-2009 Congress. At the poster presentation I outlined my position in English as best I could. Listened to reports where one by one lecturers spoke about the tremendously increasing prevalence of allergic diseases and aggravation of their course. After the speech by the speaker from Germany, who said: "I don't know what happened to the population of Germany, but in a short term the prevalence of allergies has increased at an exponential rate”. I approached her with a proposal of collaboration and also clarified that I could explain the fact she pointed out. Either I failed in my attempt to convey my proposal to her, or she had been informed in a special way about me. But no reaction on her part followed. During the break of the meeting, I handed out to the attendees the Xerox copies of some my publications, which had explanation of the exponentially increasing prevalence of allergies. At the session of the Dermatology Section I was announced to make the last speech of that day. It was unexpected for me. I should have unfolded the report, which I was holding in hand, and read it. But I tried to present the thoughts in my own words, not by paper, and in the end didn't say anything worthwhile. Members of the presidium were in a hurry to go somewhere…
In December 2009, a Congress of WAO was to be held in Buenos Aires. I paid a participant’s fee, sent the abstract, and then the Internet resources of this Congress became absolutely inaccessible to me. Instead, advertisements of cell phones were popping up. And I still don't know whether the abstract submitted by me was ever printed in the WAO 2009 Congress materials.
In 2012, at the International Congress of European physicians in Hannover, I met with Professor R. Shakieva from Kazakhstan, from the conversation with whom and whose behavior made it clear that she was sent there to discredit me in front of the leadership and participants of the Congress.
I did not receive the documents required for visa processing for the 7th Symposium of Acarologists in Vienna. The long-term Schengen visa, which I had received for travel to Hannover, fetched me out. During my address on the 7th Symposium, the audience sat up close by only on the two last rows in the auditorium. This fact coupled with hardly visible reaction of the audience at the end of my report to my call to the leadership of EURAAC of the need to raise the Demodecosis issue to an adequate level allowed me to guess about the dissemination by mafia scientists from my country of a false, defamatory opinion in the eyes of the hosts and participants of the congresses attended by me. Therefore, I wish to remind: “Dear Сolleagues, please remember that gossips are distributed not only in the market, but also in the scientific community. Remember what hardships were suffered by pioneers of innovations in the history of a variety of major scientific discoveries. The more significant was the discovery, the heavier obstacles were thrown in the discoverer’s way. Also remember that the most significant discoveries were made by candidates of Sciences.” I have never received financial support for research. And scientific work I have done and trips to congresses have been made all at my own expense but were not just for the fun of the thing.
Dear colleagues! Validity of the results of the described research is absolute, so I eagerly appeal to you too. A significant part of noncommunicable diseases of humans, growth statistics of which is annually published by WHO, overgrow with clinical masks of undiagnosed neglected pandemic Demodecosis. Judging by the publications, currently many coryphaeus of medicine already repeat my practical medical recommendations. However, so far none of them dares to say that Demodex not just cohabit with human but also causes disease of the whole human organism. Because they cannot prove it. That is to say, they cannot recognize Demodectic variants of diseases managed by them. There is no an absolutely "asymptomatic" course of Demodecosis. They in medicine simply are unaware of aspect or pattern of Demodecosis - a primary chronic infectious associative disease, a chameleon disease that changes own clinical manifestations in a short time. Demodex has long ceased to be a symbiont as reported by explorers in the mid-19th century. It has become an ectoparazite. Unfortunately, my actual observations in a number of clinical cases complement occasional reports in the literature and are indicative of the endoparazitic occurrence of Demodexes in humans.
Language barrier, lack of computer literacy and material resources, and insufficient knowledge of the stages of confirmation of scientific innovations prevent me from applying for grants for this very serious research with practical output to the health improvement of people on the planet. But if young and active specialists with a good command of English and knowledge of stages of documenting of a know-how will lead this work, then, for my part, I promise to grant aid in establishing the truth of the existence of widespread pandemic of Demodectic acariasis as a disease of total human organism, on the background of which other house dust mites sometimes cause the corresponding acariasis. I hope that gossip, which was deliberately spread about me by unscrupulous scientists, to whom I refused to kowtow and to play up, will no longer be an obstacle to mutual understanding and fruitful cooperation with the real scientists for the improve of the health of the people.
Dear colleagues, I attempted to summarize the whole truth (the inside facts) on my research activities. If you believe that we need each other to prove the existence of the pandemic of Demodectic acariasis (which nowadays is the main supplier of allergies), please contact me via e-mail: zhax-rd@mail.ru. Possibly, someone will offer more original way of solving this problem. I kindly ask those who is merely interested not to disturb.
Faithfully yours,
Rakhima D. Zhaxylykova, the member of EURAAC, PhD, allergist-dermatologist-acarologist with 50 years of clinical experience, independent researcher.
Allergy can be cured completely. For that you must know the real reason of allergy.
more ...12.06.2015